TEXT -1656 1728 Left 2 ;problem: since the diode losses are too much, the minimum voltage selector always selects the base "bootstrap" voltage so the current is never enough
TEXT -1656 1728 Left 2 ;problem: since the diode losses are too much, the minimum voltage selector always selects the base "bootstrap" voltage so the current is never enough
TEXT 2272 -64 Left 2 !.model StupidDiode D(Is=100e-12 N=1.4 M=0.33 Vj=0.55 Cj=15e-12 Rs=0.3 BV=400 Ibv=50e-6 Isr=1e-9 Ikf=0.4)
TEXT 2360 -304 Left 2 !.model StupidDiode D(Is=100e-12 N=1.4 M=0.33 Vj=0.55 Cj=15e-12 Rs=0.3 BV=400 Ibv=50e-6 Isr=1e-9 Ikf=0.4)
TEXT 2360 -272 Left 2 !.model RS1M D ( IS=948n RS=81.3m BV=1.00k IBV=5.00u CJO=27.7p M=0.333 N=2.48 TT=720n )