@ -1,15 +1,19 @@ |
CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror -Warray-bounds
CFLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror -Warray-bounds
DFLAGS=-g -O0 -v -da -Q
DFLAGS=-g -O0 -v -da -Q
ste: ste.c |
OBJ=ste.o fbuffer.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) -o ste $^
ste: $(OBJ) |
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $^
%.o: %.c $(DEPS) |
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
dbg: ste.c |
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) -o dbg $^
clean: |
clean: |
rm ste ste.c.* dbg
rm ste $(OBJ)
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ |
#include "fbuffer.h" |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <ctype.h> |
void bufInit (buf *b) |
{ |
b->rw = NULL; |
b->rownum = 0; |
} |
/* Add a row to the file buffer */ |
void rowAddLast (buf *b, char *s, int len) |
{ |
/* Extend the block of memory containing the lines */ |
row *newr = realloc(b->rw, (b->rownum + 1) * sizeof(row)); |
//if (newr == NULL) termDie("realloc in rowAddLast");
b->rw = newr; |
/* Allocate memory for the line and copy it
* at the current row number */ |
b->rw[b->rownum].chars = malloc(len + 1); |
//if (b->rw[b->rownum].chars == NULL) termDie("malloc in rowAddLast chars");
memcpy(b->rw[b->rownum].chars, s, len); |
b->rw[b->rownum].chars[len] = '\0'; |
b->rw[b->rownum].size = len; |
updateRender(&b->rw[b->rownum]); |
b->rownum++; |
} |
void rowAddChar (row *rw, char c, int pos) |
{ |
/* Check if char is valid */ |
if (!c || (iscntrl(c) && c != '\t')) return; |
/* extend the string */ |
rw->size++; |
char *t = realloc(rw->chars, rw->size + 1); |
//if (t == NULL) termDie("realloc in rowAddchar");
rw->chars = t; |
/* make space for the new char */ |
memcpy(&rw->chars[pos + 1], &rw->chars[pos], (rw->size + 1) - (pos + 1)); |
/* add the new char */ |
rw->chars[pos] = c; |
updateRender(rw); |
} |
int rowDeleteChar (row *rw, int select, int pos) // WIP
{ |
/* Check if the character is valid */ |
if (rw->chars[pos - 1] == '\0' && pos) return 0; |
if (!pos && !select) return 0; |
if (rw->chars[pos] == '\0' && select) return 0; |
//change pos based on the command
if (!select) pos--; |
memcpy(&rw->chars[pos], &rw->chars[pos + 1], rw->size - pos); |
char *s = realloc(rw->chars, rw->size); |
if (s != NULL) rw->chars = s; |
rw->size--; |
updateRender(rw); |
return 1; |
} |
void rowAddRow (buf *b, int pos, int cur) // WIP; TO DOCUMENT |
{ |
/* add another line to the bottom containing the previous
* (last) line, effectively making new space */ |
rowAddLast(b, b->rw[b->rownum - 1].chars, b->rw[b->rownum - 1].size); |
/* copy all other lines until the specified position to the next one */ |
for (int last = b->rownum - 1; last > pos; last--) |
rowCpy(&b->rw[last], &b->rw[last - 1]); |
/* Get the row length at position after the cursor */ |
int len = b->rw[pos].size - cur; |
/* create a dummy row as the new row souce */ |
row nex = EROW; |
/* allocate a buffer */ |
char *s = malloc(len + 1); |
//if (s == NULL) termDie("malloc in rowAddRow s");
/* copy the contents of the pos row after the cursor into the buffer */ |
memcpy(s, &b->rw[pos].chars[cur], len); |
s[len] = '\0'; |
/* update the dummy row */ |
nex.chars = s; |
nex.size = strlen(s); |
/* shrink the line at pos */ |
char *p = realloc(b->rw[pos].chars, cur + 1); |
//if (p == NULL) termDie("realloc in rowAddRow");
b->rw[pos].chars = p; |
/* and terminate it with null like a good boi */ |
b->rw[pos].chars[cur] = '\0'; |
/* update info and render */ |
b->rw[pos].size = cur; |
updateRender(&b->rw[pos]); |
/* copy the dummy to the new line and free */ |
rowCpy(&b->rw[pos + 1], &nex); |
rowFree(&nex); |
} |
void rowFree (row *rw) // WIP
{ |
/* Free both render and memory strings */ |
free(rw->render); |
free(rw->chars); |
/* clear sizes */ |
rw->size = 0; |
rw->r_size = 0; |
rw->utf = 0; |
} |
void rowCpy (row *to, row *from) // WIP
{ |
/* Free the destination row (without destroying it) */ |
rowFree(to); |
/* Allocate space for the new string */ |
to->chars = (char*) malloc(strlen(from->chars) + 1); |
//if (to->chars == NULL) termDie("malloc in rowCpy");
/* And update the size */ |
to->size = from->size; |
/* Then copy the chars from the source row to the destination row */ |
memcpy(to->chars, from->chars, to->size); |
to->chars[to->size] = '\0'; |
/* Then update the render */ |
updateRender(to); |
} |
void rowAppendString (row *rw, char *s, int len) |
{ |
/* reallocate the row to accomodate for the added string */ |
char *temp = realloc(rw->chars, rw->size + len + 1); |
//if (temp == NULL) termDie("realloc in rowAppendString");
rw->chars = temp; |
memcpy(&rw->chars[rw->size], s, len); |
rw->size += len; |
rw->chars[rw->size] = '\0'; |
updateRender(rw); |
} |
void rowDeleteRow (buf *b, int pos) |
{ |
if (b->rownum == 1) return; |
if (pos >= b->rownum) return; |
if (pos < 0) return; |
for (; pos < b->rownum - 1; pos++) { |
rowCpy(&b->rw[pos], &b->rw[pos + 1]); // rowcpy already frees the row
} |
b->rownum--; |
rowFree(&b->rw[b->rownum]); |
row *temp = realloc(b->rw, sizeof(row) * b->rownum); |
//if (temp == NULL) termDie("realloc in rowDeleteRow");
b->rw = temp; |
} |
void updateRender (row *rw) |
{ |
/* count the special characters
* spaces, utf-8 continuation chars */ |
static int tabs, i, off, cc, ut; |
for (i = 0, tabs = 0, cc = 0, ut = 0; i < rw->size; i++) { |
if (rw->chars[i] == '\t') tabs++; |
else if (isCont(rw->chars[i])) cc++; |
else if (isUtf(rw->chars[i])) ut++; |
} |
rw->render = NULL; |
free(rw->render); |
/* Render is long as size with the added tab spaces - 1
* (we already count for the \t as a char) */ |
rw->render = malloc(rw->size + tabs * (TABSIZE - 1) + 1); |
//if (rw->render == NULL) termDie ("malloc in updateRender");
/* put all the characters (substituing all special chars)
* into the render buffer */ |
for (i = 0, off = 0; i < rw->size; i++) { |
if (rw->chars[i] == '\t') { |
for (int j = 0; j < TABSIZE; j++){ |
//if (!j) rw->render[off++] = '|';
//else rw->render[off++] = ' ';
rw->render[off++] = ' '; |
} else { |
rw->render[off++] = rw->chars[i]; |
} |
} |
rw->render[off] = '\0'; |
rw->r_size = off - cc; |
rw->utf = cc + ut; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
#ifndef _FBUFFER_H_ |
#define _FBUFFER_H_ |
#define TABSIZE 4 // Tab size as used in render
/* Row structure, defines actual and
* render chars, actual and render size |
* and difference between render and |
* real size of the row
* Utf-8 continuation chars */ |
typedef struct row { |
int size; |
int r_size; |
int utf; |
char *chars; |
char *render; |
} row; |
/* Empty row initializer */ |
#define EROW {0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL} |
/* Rows structure (or file buffer)
* defines rows and teh number of rows */ |
typedef struct buf{ |
row *rw; |
int rownum; |
} buf; |
void bufInit (buf *b); |
void rowAddChar (row *rw, char c, int pos); |
int rowDeleteChar (row *rw, int select, int pos); |
void rowCpy (row *to, row *from); |
void rowAddRow (buf *b, int pos, int cur); |
void rowFree (row *rw); |
void rowAppendString (row *rw, char *s, int len); |
void rowDeleteRow (buf *b, int pos); |
void rowAddLast (buf *b, char *s, int len); |
void updateRender (row *rw); |
int isUtf (int c); |
int isCont (int c); |
int isStart (int c); |
#endif |
Reference in new issue