User Switcher, just like sudo but worse
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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1. commands must be given by absolute path, that's because if you do otherwise
nopassword commands could be hijacked:
in the config:
nopass badguy as root cmd zzz
in the shell:
~ $ export PATH=/home/badguy/test:$PATH
~ $ mkdir test
~ $ printf '#!/bin/sh\nrm -rf --no-preserve-root' > test/zzz
~ $ chmod +x test/zzz
~ $ us zzz #this deletes the filesystem without password!
# this is a comment
# rules are goruped by user/group
# rules are structured somewhat like json, example:
# Only 'command' is allowed to run without a password, all the rest is blocked
ale {
allow {
command nopass
deny {
# this is a comment
# every line is a rule
# rules are structured like this:
permit|deny [options] identity [as target] [cmd command [args ...]]
# look at doas.conf(5) for more information
IDEA 2-3
# reverse-doas way
-> identity permit|deny [command [args ...]] [options]
# but how would I distinguish between command and options?
-> identity [options] permit|deny [command [args ...]]
# spaces are not a very good separatow when in comes to commands
-> identity,[options],permit|deny,[command [args ...]]
# this is kinda similar to a crontab, basically options are required
# config structure:
-> identity options as action [command [args ...]]
^ ^ ^ ^
can be * | | permit, deny
can be nil (NULL) |
can be *
# permit user "ale" to execute command "shutdown" as root without password:
-> ale nopass root permit shutdown
# permit members of the wheel group to execute any comands as any user:
-> :wheel nil * permit
# deny users of the wheel group to execute commands that begin with "sys":
# this could be circumvented by having the command inside a shell script
-> :wheel nil * deny /sys.*/
# deny all users to execute all comands as any other user
-> * nil * deny
# let's scramble things up to make more sense
[action] options identity as [command [args ...]]
^ ^ ^ ^
| | can both be * (any)
| can be none, comma separated
none: permit
'!': deny (negate rule)
# allow users of the wheel group to execute any command as root:
-> none :wheel root
# deny all users to execute commands that start with "sys"
-> ! none * * /sys.*/
configuration should happen inside a source file called config.h, to apply
changes to the configuration the program has to be recompiled