User Switcher, just like sudo but worse
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- Modify the following environment variables: (listed in environ(7))
* USER -> to target user
* LOGNAME -> to target user
* SHELL -> to the target user's SHELL
* HOME -> to the target user's HOME
- fork before exec, that is because processes might try to kill us or the
command but since they may run under elevated privileges they will get
permission denied error. If we remain the parent processes, unprivileged
proceses can send signals to us and we will relay them to our children
running at the same privilege as us. This is useful when:
- The child command hangs and we want to cose it, kinda
problematic but we could run kill with us as well
- The parent shell dies and children need to be killed, then
since one of their children (us) has higher privileges
they can't kill us and we would end up as zombies