STARTWayland, basically all my dotfiles + wayland equivalent to xinit
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

9 lines
429 B

let g:netrw_dirhistmax =10
let g:netrw_dirhistcnt =6
let g:netrw_dirhist_6='/home/ale/Documents/projects/wiki/distro'
let g:netrw_dirhist_5='/home/ale/.xournalpp'
let g:netrw_dirhist_4='/home/ale'
let g:netrw_dirhist_3='/home/ale/Documents/Electronics and Electrical Troubleshooting and Repair Handbook + How to Diagnose and Teach Yourself- Mantesh'
let g:netrw_dirhist_2='/home/ale/Documents'
let g:netrw_dirhist_1='/home/ale'