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133 lines
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133 lines
3.7 KiB
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <kompute/Kompute.hpp>
#include <vulkan/vulkan_handles.hpp>
#include <unistd.h>
#define MSIZE 128
static std::vector<uint32_t> compile_shader(const std::string &source)
std::ofstream fileOut("tmp_kp_shader.comp");
fileOut << source;
if (system(std::string("glslangValidator -V tmp_kp_shader.comp -o "
.c_str())) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error running glslangValidator command");
std::ifstream fileStream("tmp_kp_shader.comp.spv", std::ios::binary);
std::vector<char> buffer;
buffer.begin(), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(fileStream), {}
return {
(uint32_t *), (uint32_t *)( + buffer.size())};
static std::string shader_to_string(const char *path)
std::ifstream comp_file;
if (comp_file.is_open() == false) {
return std::string("// bad code");
std::ostringstream outstr;
outstr << comp_file.rdbuf();
return outstr.str();
template <typename T>
std::string replacewith(const char *needle, T val, std::string str)
std::string replace = std::to_string(val);
size_t len = strlen(needle);
for (size_t pos = 0; (pos = str.find(needle)) != std::string::npos;) {
str.replace(pos, len, replace);
return str;
// compute C = A*B on the GPU
int main()
// create the kompute manager
kp::Manager mgr;
// matrices are on the stack, this breaks for large MSIZE (1024)
float matrixA[MSIZE][MSIZE] = {0};
float matrixB[MSIZE][MSIZE] = {0};
float matrixC[MSIZE][MSIZE] = {0};
// fill an identity matrix
for (int y = 0; y < MSIZE; y++) {
matrixA[y][y] = 1.0;
// fill a matrix with data
for (int y = 0; y < MSIZE; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < MSIZE; x++) {
matrixB[y][x] = x * 0.74 - y * 0.22;
// create the tensors, tensors are just arrays, in the shader we will have
// to describe how it translates to matrices
kp::Tensor::TensorDataTypes dtype = kp::Tensor::TensorDataTypes::eFloat;
// auto because fuck C++
auto tensorA = mgr.tensor(matrixA, MSIZE * MSIZE, sizeof(float), dtype);
auto tensorB = mgr.tensor(matrixB, MSIZE * MSIZE, sizeof(float), dtype);
auto tensorC = mgr.tensor(matrixC, MSIZE * MSIZE, sizeof(float), dtype);
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<kp::Tensor>> params = {
tensorA, tensorB, tensorC};
// workgroup, dispatch a 2D array of workgroups (2D matrices)
// TODO: determine the size of the workgroups by doing some calls to vk
const int wgrp_x = 32, wgrp_y = 32;
// this should call vkCmdDispatch(x, y, z)
kp::Workgroup workgroup({wgrp_x, wgrp_y, 1});
// get the shader code into a string
const char *shader_path = "shader.comp";
std::string shader_str = shader_to_string(shader_path);
// substitute the value for the number of threads (xyz) per workgroup since
// it has to be a compile-time constant
shader_str = replacewith<int>("__lcsize_x__", 32, shader_str);
shader_str = replacewith<int>("__lcsize_y__", 32, shader_str);
shader_str = replacewith<int>("__lcsize_z__", 1, shader_str);
printf("%s\n", shader_str.c_str());
return 0;
const std::vector<uint32_t> shader =
std::shared_ptr<kp::Algorithm> algo =
mgr.algorithm(params, shader, workgroup, {MSIZE});
// print the resulting matrix
std::cout << "Output: { ";
for (const float &elem : tensorC->vector<float>()) {
printf("%.2f, ", elem);
std::cout << "}" << std::endl;
return 0;