### Trying to implement test2 with just vulkan and in C
Just trying to get large matrix multiplication going in C since C++ really fucks with
my grey matter
### Useful links:
[Vulkan Tutorial](https://vulkan-tutorial.com): A full Vulkan tutorial implemented in C++
but it is easy to port to C, the only brain scratcher are lifetimes. Still this is more
targeted towards graphics rather than Compute, as such it is not easy to differentiate
which parts are needed and which aren't
[Simple Vulkan Compute Example](https://bakedbits.dev/posts/vulkan-compute-example/):
a bit brief, as such easier to skim trough
[A Simple Vulkan Compute Example](https://www.neilhenning.dev/posts/a-simple-vulkan-compute-example/):
This time in C, more complete than the homonymous article and still easy to follow
[VkGuide](https://vkguide.dev/docs/gpudriven/compute_shaders/): Good resource but not
really a tutorial
[Vulkan Samples](https://github.com/SaschaWillems/Vulkan-Samples): A collection of sample
programs, still haven't read trough them but might be good for implementation details
[VkFFT](https://github.com/DTolm/VkFFT): Fast Fourier Transform on vulkan shader, still
haven't looked at it but it might be great to learn more advanced shader techniques