entering version 0.1

the program is finally in a usable status, many things were added in
this commit:
	- config file parsing from tests
	- config multiple config file locations
	- more I can't grasp
anyways have fun.
Alessandro Mauri 5 years ago
parent 6613bd0707
commit a4fcd4de31
  1. 196


@ -15,10 +15,13 @@
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/inotify.h>
#include <wordexp.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/* Value defines */
#define KEY_BUFFER_SIZE 16
/* ANSI colors escape codes */
#define ANSI_COLOR_RED "\x1b[31m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_GREEN "\x1b[32m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "\x1b[33m"
@ -27,18 +30,28 @@
#define ANSI_COLOR_CYAN "\x1b[36m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_RESET "\x1b[0m"
/* Macro functions */
#define yellow(str) (ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW str ANSI_COLOR_RESET)
#define green(str) (ANSI_COLOR_GREEN str ANSI_COLOR_RESET)
#define red(str) (ANSI_COLOR_RED str ANSI_COLOR_RESET)
#define test_bit(yalv, abs_b) ((((char *)abs_b)[yalv/8] & (1<<yalv%8)) > 0)
#define die(str) {fputs(ANSI_COLOR_RED, stderr); perror(str); fputs(ANSI_COLOR_RESET, stderr); exit(errno);}
//#define die(str) {fputs(ANSI_COLOR_RED, stderr); perror(str); fputs(ANSI_COLOR_RESET, stderr); exit(errno);}
#define die(str) {perror(red(str)); exit(errno);}
#define array_size(val) (val ? sizeof(val)/sizeof(val[0]) : 0)
#define array_size_const(val) ((int)(sizeof(val)/sizeof(val[0])))
#define parse_failure(str, line) {fprintf(stderr, "Error in config file at line %d: " str "\n", line); exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}
#define EVENT_SIZE (sizeof(struct inotify_event))
#define EVENT_BUF_LEN (1024*(EVENT_SIZE+16))
const char *config_paths[] = {
const struct {
const char * const name;
const char *const name;
const unsigned short value;
} key_conversion_table[] =
{{"ESC", KEY_ESC}, {"1", KEY_1}, {"2", KEY_2}, {"3", KEY_3},
@ -183,28 +196,33 @@ struct key_buffer {
unsigned int size;
/* Compare list: linked list that holds all valid hoteys parsed from the
/* Hotkey list: linked list that holds all valid hoteys parsed from the
* config file and the corresponding command */
struct hotkey_list_e {
struct key_buffer kb;
char *command;
int sorted;
int fuzzy;
struct hotkey_list_e *next;
struct hotkey_list_e *hotkey_list = NULL;
int dead = 0; // exit flag
const char evdev_root_dir[] = "/dev/input/";
unsigned long hotkey_size_mask = 0;
/* key buffer operations */
int key_buffer_add (struct key_buffer*, unsigned short);
int key_buffer_remove (struct key_buffer*, unsigned short);
int key_buffer_compare_fuzzy (struct key_buffer *, struct key_buffer *);
int key_buffer_compare (struct key_buffer *, struct key_buffer *);
void key_buffer_reset (struct key_buffer *);
/* Other operations */
void int_handler (int signum);
void exec_command (char *);
void parse_config_file (void);
void update_descriptors_list (int **, int *);
int prepare_epoll (int *, int, int);
unsigned short key_to_code (char *);
/* hotkey list operations */
void hotkey_list_add (struct hotkey_list_e *, struct key_buffer *, char *, int);
void hotkey_list_destroy (struct hotkey_list_e *);
@ -222,6 +240,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
/* Verbose flag */
int vflag = 0;
/* Parse command line arguments */
int opc;
while ((opc = getopt(argc, argv, "v")) != -1) {
switch (opc) {
@ -231,10 +250,15 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
/* Parse config file */
/* Load descriptors */
int fd_num = 0;
int *fds = NULL;
update_descriptors_list(&fds, &fd_num);
/* Prepare directory update watcher */
int event_watcher = inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK);
if (event_watcher < 0)
die("could not call inotify_init");
@ -245,7 +269,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
struct key_buffer pb = {{0}, 0}; // Pressed keys buffer
ssize_t rb; // Read bits
/* Prepare for epoll */
/* Prepare epoll list */
int ev_fd;
ev_fd = prepare_epoll(fds, fd_num, event_watcher);
@ -298,19 +322,29 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
struct key_buffer comb1 = {{KEY_LEFTALT, KEY_S}, 2};
if (pb.size <= prev_size)
if (pb.size > prev_size) {
if (vflag) {
printf("Pressed keys: ");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pb.size; i++)
//printf("%d ", pb.buf[i]);
printf("%s ", key_conversion_table[pb.buf[i] - 1].name);
// FIXME: keys after "z" are not shown properly, wrong name
if (vflag) {
printf("Pressed keys: ");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pb.size; i++)
printf("%s ", key_conversion_table[pb.buf[i] - 1].name);
if (key_buffer_compare(&pb, &comb1))
exec_command("ls -l [a-z]*");
struct hotkey_list_e *tmp;
int t = 0;
if (hotkey_size_mask & 1 << (pb.size - 1)) {
for (tmp = hotkey_list; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
if (tmp->fuzzy)
t = key_buffer_compare_fuzzy(&pb, &tmp->kb);
t = key_buffer_compare(&pb, &tmp->kb);
if (t)
@ -360,6 +394,13 @@ int key_buffer_remove (struct key_buffer *pb, unsigned short key)
return 1;
void key_buffer_reset (struct key_buffer *kb)
kb->size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < KEY_BUFFER_SIZE; i++)
kb->buf[i] = 0;
void int_handler (int signum)
switch (signum) {
@ -418,7 +459,7 @@ void update_descriptors_list (int **fds, int *fd_num)
/* Open the event directory */
DIR *ev_dir = opendir(evdev_root_dir);
if (!ev_dir)
die("Could not open /dev/input");
die("could not open /dev/input");
(*fd_num) = 0;
// if ((*fds))
@ -527,20 +568,131 @@ void hotkey_list_destroy (struct hotkey_list_e *head)
void hotkey_list_add (struct hotkey_list_e *head, struct key_buffer *kb, char *cmd, int s)
void hotkey_list_add (struct hotkey_list_e *head, struct key_buffer *kb, char *cmd, int f)
struct hotkey_list_e *tmp;
if (!(tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct hotkey_list_e))))
die("Memory allocation failed in hotkey_list_add()");
die("memory allocation failed in hotkey_list_add()");
if (!(tmp->command = malloc(sizeof(cmd))))
die("Memory allocation failed in hotkey_list_add()");
die("memory allocation failed in hotkey_list_add()");
strcpy(tmp->command, cmd);
tmp->kb = *kb;
tmp->sorted = s;
tmp->fuzzy = f;
if (head) {
for (; head->next; head = head->next);
head->next = tmp;
} else
head = tmp;
hotkey_list = tmp;
void parse_config_file (void)
wordexp_t result = {0};
FILE *fd;
for (int i = 0; i < array_size_const(config_paths); i++) {
switch (wordexp(config_paths[i], &result, 0)) {
case 0:
/* If the error was WRDE_NOSPACE,
* then perhaps part of the result was allocated */
wordfree (&result);
die("not enough space")
/* Some other error */
die("path not valid");
fd = fopen(result.we_wordv[0], "r");
if (fd)
perror(yellow("error opening config file"));
if (!fd)
die("could not open any config files, check the log for more details");
struct key_buffer kb;
for (int linenum = 1;; linenum++) {
int fuzzy = 0, tmp;
char *line = NULL, *keys = NULL, *command = NULL;
size_t linelen = 0;
if (getline(&line, &linelen, fd) == -1)
if (linelen < 2)
// Remove leading spaces
while (isspace(line[0]) && linelen > 1)
memmove(line, &line[1], --linelen);
// Skip comments and blank lines
if (line[0] == '#' || !line[0]) {
// TODO: multiline commands, ending with "\\n"
// TODO: better error checks in order to remove unnecessary
// memmoves (line has to begin with cmment or "*-"), etc.
if (line[0] == '*')
fuzzy = 1;
memmove(line, &line[1], --linelen);
// Remove leading spaces
while (isspace(line[0]) && linelen > 1)
memmove(line, &line[1], --linelen);
keys = strtok(line, ":");
command = strtok(NULL, ":");
if (!command || !keys) {
parse_failure("No command or keys specified", linenum);
fprintf(stderr, "Error at line %d:"
"No command or keys specified\n", linenum);
// Remove whitespaces in keys
tmp = strlen(keys);
for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) {
if (isspace(keys[i])) {
memmove(&line[i], &line[i + 1], --tmp);
// Remove leading and trailing spaces in command
tmp = strlen(command);
while (isspace(command[0]) && tmp > 1)
memmove(command, &command[1], --tmp);
tmp = strlen(command) - 1;
while (isspace(command[tmp]))
command[tmp--] = '\0';
char *k = strtok(keys, ",");
unsigned short kc;
do {
if (!(kc = key_to_code(k))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error at line %d:"
"%s is not a valid key", linenum, k);
key_buffer_add(&kb, kc);
} while ((k = strtok(NULL, ",")));
hotkey_list_add(hotkey_list, &kb, command, fuzzy);
hotkey_size_mask |= 1 << (kb.size - 1);
unsigned short key_to_code (char *key)
for (int i = 0; i < array_size_const(key_conversion_table); i++) {
if (!strcmp(key_conversion_table[i].name, key))
return key_conversion_table[i].value;
return 0;
