more minimal

ElectricAlchemist 5 years ago
parent cf20f47c08
commit a567f44bb8
  1. 64
  2. 4

@ -341,6 +341,16 @@
If your distro users systemctl the easiest way to check errors is to look up the recent
events in the system logs to do that type "journalctl"
-Getting the right dpi: (only applies to xorg)
First of all get the optimal dpi for your screen:
Then get the current dpi that the server is set on: (requires dpyinfo)
xdpyinfo | grep -B2 resolution
if it si already set to the right dpi you are good to go, else add to your
xinitrc or xprofile (if using a display manager):
xradr --dpi <your dpi>
-Using android devices:
Android devices use the MTP interface, to be able to access them in your file manager it is usually required
@ -496,6 +506,8 @@
Sites for public IP discovery and information gathering:
With ip (standard)
ip link show
-Changing the MAC address:
Using macchanger:
@ -557,55 +569,3 @@
"ip addr add <ip>/<mask> dev <interface>"
where ip is the desired ip and mask is the desired network mask in 2 digit format,
ex: "" where 24 expands to
-"youtube-dl" is a tool that allows you to download content (eg. videos, audio and thumbnails)
from not only youtube but also from other streaming sites
-"firejail" is a program used to isolate other programs in a sandbox to make their execution
more secure, giving them minimal access to the system files
-"ms-office-online" (AUR) the online office suite for 'offline' use
NOTE: needs registration to the Microsoft services
-"maybe" lets you see what a certain command does before it does it, ex "maybe rm -rf /home" lets you see which files will be affected
by rm.
NOTE: this is a python script, to install it use "sudo pip install maybe", the "python-pip" package is required
-"gotop" Beautiful alternative to htop
-"neofetch" display system information in an aesthetic manner
-"feh" a simple image wiever that can also set the background
-"i3-lock" and "i3-lock-wrapper" a simple and suckless lock screen
-"st" a trurly suckless terminal with support for images, unicode and truecolor
-"rivalcfg" tool to configure steelseries mice in loonix
-"cmus" simple terminal music player written in c
-"mps-youtube" terminal youtube music player
-"mpv" required for above, extensible video/media player
:q to quit
:w to write
a combination of the two
:!.. to force a command (:q! to force exit without saoving)
?... to search
n to advance in the search
p to paste
y to yank (copy)
d to cut
u to undo
Ctrl-r to redo
v to enter visual mode (selection)
Ctrl-s disables terminal input, press Ctrl-q to re-enable it

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
Package | Description | Patches
dwm (xg) | window manager | fancybar, fullgaps, xrdb
| | bottomstack
libX11-devel | required by dwm |
libXft-devel | required by dwm |
libXinerama-devel | required by dwm |
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@
xsetroot | required for slstatus |
st (xg) | terminal emulator | clipboard, scrollback, scrollback-mouse,
| | scrollback-mouse-altscreen
| | xresources
dmenu (g) | simple menu |
rofi | gui application menu |
zsh | default shell |
@ -129,13 +131,11 @@
ImageMagick | console image manipulator
qpdfview | in my humble opinion better than mupdf
vscode | uC IDE with platformio
arduino | arduino IDE
weechat | Terminal IRC client
pcmanfm | graphical file manager
transmission-gtk | torrent client
icecat | web browser
kicad | electonic design and simulation suite
pywal | wallpaper setter and color scheme generator
gotop | process viewer similar to htop
fontmanager | font manager and installer