kio-extras for mtp

Alessandro Mauri 5 years ago
parent aba82c8ca5
commit a0fa65cf02
  1. 10
  2. 8
      minimal install

@ -172,6 +172,8 @@
-To list all partitions "sudo fdisk -l"
-To list all partition UUIDs "sudo blkid"
-To check a disk's health you need "smartmontools", first check system compatibility with "sudo smartctl -c /dev/sdX"
then either do a short test "sudo smartctl -t short /dev/sdX" or a long test "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sdX"
lastly do "sudo smartctl -H /dev/sdX" to get the results
@ -203,6 +205,11 @@
-Arduino not starting:
Try installing "arduino-avr-core" package
-Cannot scroll down in VIM on st:
Source: (woeking on it)
one solution is to add "set ttymouse=sgr" to your .vimrc
-Theming gnome:
download the theme packages at "" and unzip them
@ -294,6 +301,9 @@
Android devices use the MTP interface, to be able to access them in your file manager it is usually required
to install the packages: "libmtp" "gvfs-mtp" and "gvfs-gphoto2"
If running a KDE installation with dolphin mtp support is integrated into
kio-extras (dolphin dependency)
NOTE: running multiple mtp tools can cause errors (gvfs-mtp and kio-extras)
NOTE: Apple devices require the "gvfs-afc" package, and the "gamin" package is also recommended
-File previews on KDE (Dolphin):

@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ use xrandr to change resolution
xrandr --output <monitor> --mode <resolution>
the mode has to be supported, check supported modes with 'xrandr'
if your monitor resolution is not listed try:
cvt 1920 1080 60
this gives you a modeline, paste it into:
xrandr --newmode <modeline>
then do
xrandr --addmode <monitor> <resolution>
install noto-fonts and noto-fonts-cjk for basic fonts
@ -51,3 +55,7 @@ notifications: install libnotify notification-daemon dunst
> profit
for global hotkeys install: sxhkd, configure it and add sxhkd & to .xinitrc
kakoune is a cool editor
nnn is the best file explorer
to install musl just install the package on arch