minimal install

Alessandro Mauri 5 years ago
parent 82b1a4f510
commit aba82c8ca5
  1. 8
  2. 53
      minimal install

@ -512,6 +512,14 @@
-"st" a trurly suckless terminal with support for images, unicode and truecolor
-"rivalcfg" tool to configure steelseries mice in loonix
-"cmus" simple terminal music player written in c
-"mps-youtube" terminal youtube music player
-"mpv" required for above, extensible video/media player

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
install: xorg-xinit and xorg xrandr
in void also install xorg-minimal, for dwm install:
base-devel libX11-devel libXft-devel libXinerama-devel
libEGL st and dmenu
add to .zprofile {
if [[ ! $DISPLAY && $XDG_VTNR -eq 1 ]]; then
exec startx
on systemd-less systems:
if [[ ! $DISPLAY && $(tty) == /dev/tty1 ]]; then
exec startx
change layout in xinit: setxkbmap -layout fi
feh to change wallpaper: feh --bg-scale /dev/null
terminal: st
install: git
install: dwm, dmenu, pikaur
personalize dwm (clone)
apply patches: {
install via aur
download git
apply patches to git
make install
in void install: setxkbmap xsetroot
install acpi
install alsa-utils pulseaudio and pulseaudio-alsa
install pavucontrol to easily manage audio
install i3lock and i3lock-wrapper
use xrandr to change resolution
xrandr --output <monitor> --mode <resolution>
the mode has to be supported, check supported modes with 'xrandr'
if your monitor resolution is not listed try:
xrandr --addmode <monitor> <resolution>
install noto-fonts and noto-fonts-cjk for basic fonts
on void if getting too many nm-dispatcher logs install and configure: socklog and socklog-void
on artix: syslog-ng and either syslog-ng-openrc or ##-runit
notifications: install libnotify notification-daemon dunst
> profit
for global hotkeys install: sxhkd, configure it and add sxhkd & to .xinitrc