You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

214 lines
4.5 KiB

//#!/usr/bin/tcc -run
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define HASH_SALT (0xbabb0cac)
#define HASH_RATIO64 ((unsigned long int)11400714819322457583u)
struct ntree_node
unsigned int id;
const char *name;
int children_no, children_size;
struct ntree_node *children, *parent;
static char tmp_name_buffer[16] = {"node:"};
unsigned int hash_str_to_uint(const char *s)
unsigned int h = HASH_SALT;
const unsigned char *v = (const unsigned char *)(s);
for (int x = *s; x; x--) {
h += v[x-1];
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
unsigned int hash_u32(unsigned int c)
return (unsigned int)((((unsigned long int)c<<31)*HASH_RATIO64)>>32);
const char * generate_new_name(void)
static int count = 0;
unsigned int h = hash_u32(count++);
snprintf(tmp_name_buffer+sizeof("node:"), 16-sizeof("node:"), "%x", h);
return tmp_name_buffer;
int tree_prune(struct ntree_node *node)
if (node == NULL)
return 0;
if ((node->children_no == 0 && node->children != NULL) ||
(node->children_no != 0 && node->children == NULL)) {
printf("ERR: (%x %s) Inconsistent node children", node->id, node->name);
} else for (int i = 0; i < node->children_no; i++) {
if (node->children != NULL) {
free((void *)node->name);
if (node->parent != NULL)
*node = (struct ntree_node){0};
return 0;
struct ntree_node * tree_append(struct ntree_node *parent, const char *name)
if (name == NULL)
return NULL;
if (strlen(name) == 0)
name = generate_new_name();
// generate the children information
unsigned int id = hash_str_to_uint(name);
char *str = malloc(strlen(name)+1);
if (str == NULL)
return NULL;
strcpy(str, name);
// grow the parent buffer if necessary
if (parent->children_no >= parent->children_size) {
struct ntree_node *temp = NULL;
temp = realloc(parent->children, (parent->children_size+1)*sizeof(struct ntree_node));
if (temp == NULL) {
return NULL;
parent->children = temp;
parent->children[parent->children_size] = (struct ntree_node){0};
// find an open spot for the child
struct ntree_node *child = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < parent->children_size; i++) {
if (parent->children[i].id == 0)
child = &(parent->children[i]);
if (child == NULL)
return NULL;
child->name = str;
child->id = id;
child->children = NULL;
child->children_no = 0;
child->parent = parent;
//printf("append to %s, children: %d\n", parent->name, parent->children_no);
return child;
struct ntree_node * tree_find_id(struct ntree_node *root, unsigned int id)
if (id == 0 || root == NULL)
return NULL;
if (root->id == id)
return root;
else for (int i = 0; i < root->children_size; i++) {
if (root->children[i].id != 0 && tree_find_id(&(root->children[i]), id) != NULL)
return &(root->children[i]);
return NULL;
// TODO: add a foreach_child function
struct ntree_node * tree_find(struct ntree_node *root, const char *name)
if (name == NULL || strlen(name) == 0 || root == NULL)
return NULL;
unsigned int id = hash_str_to_uint(name);
return tree_find_id(root, id);
int tree_size(struct ntree_node *root)
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
int count = root->children_no;
if (count > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < root->children_size; i++) {
if (root->children[i].id != 0)
count += tree_size(&(root->children[i]));
return count;
static int tree_print_ind(struct ntree_node *node, int dd)
for (int i = 0; i < dd; i++) printf(" ");
printf("[%s]\n", node->name);
for (int i = 0; i < node->children_size; i++) {
if (node->children[i].id == 0) continue;
tree_print_ind(&(node->children[i]), dd+1);
return node->children_no;
int tree_print(struct ntree_node *root)
if (root == NULL)
return 1;
tree_print_ind(root, 0);
return 0;
int main(void)
char *root_name = malloc(sizeof("root"));
strcpy(root_name, "root");
struct ntree_node root = {.name = root_name};
struct ntree_node *n;
n = tree_append(&root, "node 0:0");
tree_append(n, "node 0:0:0");
tree_append(&root, "node 0:1");
tree_append(&root, "node 0:2");
printf("Number of nodes %d\n", tree_size(&root));
tree_prune(tree_find(&root, "node 0:0"));
printf("Number of nodes %d\n", tree_size(&root));
printf("Number of nodes %d\n", tree_size(&root));
return 0;