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582 lines
17 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <err.h>
#include "ugui.h"
#define SALT 0xbabb0cac
#define DEF_SCALE 1.0
#define DEF_PPI 96.0
#define STACK_STEP 64
#define PPI_PPM(ppi, scale) (ppi * scale * 0.03937008)
#define PPI_PPD(ppi, scale) (PPI_PPM(ppi, scale) * 0.3528)
#define IS_VALID_UNIT(u) (u==UG_UNIT_PX||u==UG_UNIT_MM||u==UG_UNIT_PT)
#define UG_ERR(...) err(errno, "__FUNCTION__: " __VA_ARGS__)
#define BETWEEN(x, min, max) (x <= max && x >= min)
#define INTERSECTS(v, r) (BETWEEN(v.x, r.x, r.x+r.w) && BETWEEN(v.y, r.y, r.y+r.h))
#define CAP(x, s) { if (x < s) x = s; }
// default style
// TODO: fill default style
static const ug_style_t default_style = {
.text = {
.color = RGB_FORMAT(0xffffff),
.alt_color = RGB_FORMAT(0xbbbbbb),
.size = SIZE_PX(16),
.alt_size = SIZE_PX(12),
.cnt = {
.bg_color = RGB_FORMAT(0x0000ff),
.border.t = SIZE_PX(3),
.border.b = SIZE_PX(3),
.border.l = SIZE_PX(3),
.border.r = SIZE_PX(3),
.border.color = RGB_FORMAT(0x00ff00),
.titlebar.height = SIZE_PX(20),
.titlebar.bg_color = RGB_FORMAT(0xbababa),
static const ug_vec2_t max_size = {{10e6}, {10e6}};
static ug_style_t style_cache = {0};
* Common Functions *
// grow a stack
#define GROW_STACK(S) \
{ \
S.items = realloc(S.items, (S.size+STACK_STEP)*sizeof(*(S.items))); \
if(!S.items) \
UG_ERR("Could not allocate stack #S: %s", strerror(errno)); \
memset(&(S.items[S.size]), 0, STACK_STEP*sizeof(*(S.items))); \
S.size += STACK_STEP; \
#define GET_FROM_STACK(S, c) \
{ \
if (S.idx >= S.size) \
c = &(S.items[S.idx++]); \
#define RESET_STACK(S) \
{ \
memset(S.items, 0, S.idx*sizeof(*(S.items))); \
S.idx = 0; \
#define MOUSEDOWN(ctx, btn) (ctx->mouse.press_mask & ctx->mouse.down_mask & btn)
#define MOUSEUP(ctx, btn) (ctx->mouse.press_mask & ~ctx->mouse.down_mask & btn)
static ug_id_t hash(const void *data, unsigned int size)
if (!size)
return 0;
ug_id_t hash = SALT;
unsigned char *v = (unsigned char *)data;
for (; size; size--) {
hash += v[size-1];
hash += hash << 10;
hash ^= hash >> 6;
hash += hash << 3;
hash ^= hash >> 11;
hash += hash << 15;
return hash;
// update the style cache with the correct sizes in pixels and colors
static void update_style_cache(ug_ctx_t *ctx)
const ug_style_t *s = ctx->style;
// FIME: use the correct units and convert, for now assume default style
style_cache = *s;
ug_rect_t rect_to_px(ug_ctx_t *ctx, ug_rect_t rect)
float scale = 1.0;
switch (ctx->unit) {
case UG_UNIT_PX:
return rect;
case UG_UNIT_MM:
scale = ctx->ppm;
case UG_UNIT_PT:
scale = ctx->ppd;
rect.x *= scale;
rect.y *= scale;
rect.w *= scale;
rect.h *= scale;
return rect;
void push_rect_command(ug_ctx_t *ctx, const ug_rect_t *rect, ug_color_t color)
ug_cmd_t *c;
GET_FROM_STACK(ctx->cmd_stack, c);
c->type = UG_CMD_RECT;
c->rect.x = rect->x;
c->rect.y = rect->y;
c->rect.w = rect->w;
c->rect.h = rect->h;
c->rect.color = color;
* Context Operations *
// creates a new context, fills with default values, ctx is ready for ug_start()
ug_ctx_t *ug_ctx_new(void)
ug_ctx_t *ctx = malloc(sizeof(ug_ctx_t));
if (!ctx)
err(errno, "__FUNCTION__:" "Could not allocate context: %s", strerror(errno));
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(ug_ctx_t));
ctx->scale = DEF_SCALE;
ctx->ppi = DEF_PPI;
ctx->unit = UG_UNIT_PX;
ctx->style = &default_style;
ctx->style_px = &style_cache;
// TODO: allocate stacks
return ctx;
void ug_ctx_free(ug_ctx_t *ctx)
if (!ctx) {
warn("__FUNCTION__:" "Trying to free a null context");
// NOTE: do not free style since the default is statically allocated, let
// the user take care of it instead
#define TEST_CTX(ctx) { if (!ctx) return -1; }
int ug_ctx_set_displayinfo(ug_ctx_t *ctx, float scale, float ppi)
if (scale <= 0 || ppi < 20.0)
return -1;
ctx->ppm = PPI_PPM(scale, ppi);
ctx->ppd = PPI_PPM(scale, ppi);
ctx->scale = scale;
ctx->ppi = ppi;
return 0;
int ug_ctx_set_drawableregion(ug_ctx_t *ctx, ug_vec2_t size)
if (size.w <= 0 || size.h <= 0)
return -1;
ctx->size.w = size.w;
ctx->size.h = size.h;
// FIXME: do I need to do something like update_container_size() here?
// maybe it is redundant since each frame not every conatiner is
// re-added
return 0;
int ug_ctx_set_style(ug_ctx_t *ctx, const ug_style_t *style)
if (!style)
return -1;
// TODO: validate style
ctx->style = style;
return 0;
int ug_ctx_set_unit(ug_ctx_t *ctx, ug_unit_t unit)
if (!IS_VALID_UNIT(unit))
return -1;
ctx->unit = unit;
return 0;
* Container Operations *
// get a new or existing container handle
static ug_container_t *get_container(ug_ctx_t *ctx, ug_id_t id)
ug_container_t *c = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < ctx->cnt_stack.idx; i++) {
if (ctx->cnt_stack.items[i].id == id) {
c = &(ctx->cnt_stack.items[i]);
// if the container was not already there allocate a new one
if (!c)
GET_FROM_STACK(ctx->cnt_stack, c);
return c;
// update the container dimensions and position according to the context information,
// also handle resizing, moving, ect. if allowed by the container
static void update_container(ug_ctx_t *ctx, ug_container_t *cnt)
// if the container was just initialized the unit might not be pixels, this
// is a problem since all mouse events are in pixels and convering back
// and forth accumulates error and in heavy on the cpu
if (cnt->unit != UG_UNIT_PX) {
// FIXME: this takes the unit from the context but it should be fine
cnt->rect = rect_to_px(ctx, cnt->rect);
cnt->unit = UG_UNIT_PX;
// recalculate position
// FIXME: this is the right place to do some optimization, what if the
// context didn't change?
// the absoulute position of the container
cnt->rect_abs = cnt->rect;
* Container style:
* rect_abs(0,0)
* v
* +-----------------------------------------------+
* | Titlebar |
* +-----------------------------------------------+
* |+---------------------------------------------+|
* ||\ ^ Border Top ^ ||
* || \_ rect(0,0) ||
* || ||
* || ||
* || ||
* || ||
* || ||
* || ||
* || ||
* || < Border Left ||
* || Border Right > ||
* || ||
* || ||
* || ||
* || ||
* |+---------------------------------------------+|
* +-----------------------------------------------+
* ^ Border Bottom ^
const ug_style_t *s = ctx->style_px;
// 0 -> take all the space, <0 -> take absolute
if (cnt->rect_abs.w < 0) cnt->rect_abs.w = -cnt->rect_abs.w;
if (cnt->rect_abs.h < 0) cnt->rect_abs.h = -cnt->rect_abs.h;
if (cnt->rect_abs.w == 0) {
cnt->rect_abs.w = ctx->size.w -
s->cnt.border.l.size -
s->cnt.border.r.size ;
} else {
cnt->rect_abs.w += s->cnt.border.r.size + s->cnt.border.l.size;
if (cnt->rect_abs.h == 0) {
cnt->rect_abs.h = ctx->size.h -
s->cnt.border.t.size -
s->cnt.border.b.size ;
} else {
cnt->rect_abs.h += s->cnt.border.t.size + s->cnt.border.b.size;
if (cnt->flags & UG_CNT_MOVABLE)
cnt->rect_abs.h += s->cnt.titlebar.height.size;
// the window may have been resized so cap the position to the window size
printf("window size: w=%d, h=%d\n", ctx->size.x, ctx->size.y);
if (cnt->rect_abs.x > ctx->size.w)
cnt->rect_abs.x = ctx->size.x - cnt->rect_abs.w;
if (cnt->rect_abs.y > ctx->size.h)
cnt->rect_abs.y = ctx->size.y - cnt->rect_abs.h;
// <0 -> relative to the right margin
if (cnt->rect_abs.x < 0)
cnt->rect_abs.x = ctx->size.x - cnt->rect_abs.w + cnt->rect_abs.x;
if (cnt->rect_abs.y < 0)
cnt->rect_abs.y = ctx->size.y - cnt->rect_abs.h + cnt->rect_abs.y;
// if we had focus the frame before, then do shit
// FIXME: if this is a brand new container then do we need to handle user
// inputs, since all inputs lag one frame, then it would make no sense
if (ctx->hover.cnt_last == cnt->id) {
// mouse pressed handle resize, for simplicity containers can only
// be resized from the bottom and right border
//#define BIN_PATTERN "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c"
//#define BYTE_TO_BINARY(byte) \
// (byte & 0x80 ? '1' : '0'), \
// (byte & 0x40 ? '1' : '0'), \
// (byte & 0x20 ? '1' : '0'), \
// (byte & 0x10 ? '1' : '0'), \
// (byte & 0x08 ? '1' : '0'), \
// (byte & 0x04 ? '1' : '0'), \
// (byte & 0x02 ? '1' : '0'), \
// (byte & 0x01 ? '1' : '0')
// printf("mousemask = "BIN_PATTERN"\n", BYTE_TO_BINARY(ctx->mouse.down_mask));
if (ctx->mouse.down_mask & UG_BTN_LEFT) {
// printf("MOUSEDOWN\n");
ug_vec2_t mpos = ctx->mouse.pos;
int minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
// handle movable windows
minx = cnt->rect_abs.x;
maxx = cnt->rect_abs.x + cnt->rect_abs.w - s->cnt.border.l.size;
miny = cnt->rect_abs.y;
maxy = cnt->rect_abs.y + s->cnt.titlebar.height.size;
if (cnt->flags & UG_CNT_MOVABLE &&
BETWEEN(mpos.x, minx, maxx) &&
BETWEEN(mpos.y, miny, maxy)) {
cnt->rect_abs.x += ctx->;
cnt->rect_abs.y += ctx->;
cnt->rect.x += ctx->;
cnt->rect.y += ctx->;
// right border resize
minx = cnt->rect_abs.x + cnt->rect_abs.w - s->cnt.border.r.size;
maxx = cnt->rect_abs.x + cnt->rect_abs.w;
miny = cnt->rect_abs.y;
maxy = cnt->rect_abs.y + cnt->rect_abs.h;
if (BETWEEN(mpos.x, minx, maxx) && BETWEEN(mpos.y, miny, maxy)) {
cnt->rect_abs.w += ctx->;
cnt->rect.w += ctx->;
CAP(cnt->rect_abs.w, 0);
CAP(cnt->rect.w, 0);
// bottom border resize
minx = cnt->rect_abs.x;
maxx = cnt->rect_abs.x + cnt->rect_abs.w;
miny = cnt->rect_abs.y + cnt->rect_abs.h - s->cnt.border.b.size;
maxy = cnt->rect_abs.y + cnt->rect_abs.h;
if (BETWEEN(mpos.x, minx, maxx) && BETWEEN(mpos.y, miny, maxy)) {
cnt->rect_abs.h += ctx->;
cnt->rect.h += ctx->;
CAP(cnt->rect_abs.h, s->text.size.size);
CAP(cnt->rect.h, s->text.size.size);
// TODO: what if I want to close a floating container?
// Maybe add a UG_CNT_CLOSABLE flag?
// TODO: what about scrolling? how do we know if we need to draw
// a scroll bar? Maybe add that information inside the
// container structure
// push the appropriate rectangles to the drawing stack
// push outline
push_rect_command(ctx, &cnt->rect_abs, s->cnt.border.color);
// push titlebar
ug_rect_t titlebar = {
.x = (cnt->rect_abs.x + s->cnt.border.l.size),
.y = (cnt->rect_abs.y + s->cnt.border.t.size),
.w = (cnt->rect_abs.w - s->cnt.border.r.size - s->cnt.border.l.size),
.h = s->cnt.titlebar.height.size,
push_rect_command(ctx, &titlebar, s->cnt.titlebar.bg_color);
// push main body
ug_rect_t body = {
.x = (cnt->rect_abs.x + s->cnt.border.l.size),
.y = (cnt->rect_abs.y + s->cnt.border.t.size),
.w = (cnt->rect_abs.w - s->cnt.border.l.size - s->cnt.border.r.size),
.h = (cnt->rect_abs.h - s->cnt.border.t.size - s->cnt.border.b.size),
if (cnt->flags & UG_CNT_MOVABLE) {
body.y += s->cnt.titlebar.height.size + s->cnt.border.t.size;
body.h -= s->cnt.titlebar.height.size + s->cnt.border.t.size;
push_rect_command(ctx, &body, s->cnt.bg_color);
// TODO: push other rects
// a floating container can be placed anywhere and can be resized, acts like a
// window inside another window
int ug_container_floating(ug_ctx_t *ctx, const char *name, ug_rect_t rect)
// TODO: verify rect
ug_id_t id = name ? hash(name, strlen(name)) : hash(&rect, sizeof(ug_rect_t));
ug_container_t *cnt = get_container(ctx, id);
if (cnt->id) {
// nothing? maybe we can skip updating all dimensions and stuff
} else {
cnt->id = id;
cnt->max_size = max_size;
cnt->rect = rect;
cnt->unit = ctx->unit;
update_container(ctx, cnt);
return 0;
* Input Handling *
int ug_input_mousemove(ug_ctx_t *ctx, int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || y < 0)
return 0;
ctx->mouse.pos = (ug_vec2_t){.x = x, .y = y};
return 0;
int ug_input_mousedown(ug_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned int mask)
ctx->mouse.press_mask |= mask;
ctx->mouse.down_mask |= mask;
return 0;
int ug_input_mouseup(ug_ctx_t *ctx, unsigned int mask)
ctx->mouse.down_mask &= ~mask;
return 0;
* Frame Handling *
// At the beginning of a frame assume that all input has been passed to the context
// update the mouse delta and reset the command stack
int ug_frame_begin(ug_ctx_t *ctx)
// TODO: add a way to mark a container for removal from the stack, and then
// remove it here to save space
// update mouse delta
ctx-> = ctx->mouse.pos.x - ctx->mouse.last_pos.x;
ctx-> = ctx->mouse.pos.y - ctx->mouse.last_pos.y;
// clear command stack
// update hover index
ug_vec2_t v = ctx->mouse.pos;
// printf("mouse: x=%d, y=%d\n", ctx->mouse.pos.x, ctx->mouse.pos.x);
for (int i = 0; i < ctx->cnt_stack.idx; i++) {
ug_rect_t r = ctx->cnt_stack.items[i].rect_abs;
if (INTERSECTS(v, r)) {
ctx->hover.cnt = ctx->cnt_stack.items[i].id;
// printf("intersects! %.8x\n", ctx->hover.cnt);
return 0;
// At the end of a frame reset inputs
int ug_frame_end(ug_ctx_t *ctx)
ctx->input_text[0] = '\0';
ctx->key.press_mask = 0;
ctx->mouse.press_mask = 0;
ctx->mouse.scroll_delta = (ug_vec2_t){0};
ctx->mouse.last_pos = ctx->mouse.pos;
// reset hover, it has to be calculated at frame beginning
ctx->hover.cnt_last = ctx->hover.cnt;
ctx->hover.elem_last = ctx->hover.elem;
ctx->hover.cnt = 0;
ctx->hover.elem = 0;
return 0;