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#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_opengl.h>
#define GLSL_VERT_SHADER "vertex.glsl"
#define GLSL_FRAG_SHADER "fragment.glsl"
#define PACKED __attribute__((packed))
struct {
SDL_Window *w;
SDL_GLContext *gl;
GLuint gl_vertbuffer;
GLuint gl_program;
GLuint font_texture;
} ren = {0};
typedef struct PACKED {
union { GLint x, u; };
union { GLint y, v; };
} vec2_i;
typedef struct PACKED {
union { GLint x, r; };
union { GLint y, g; };
union { GLint z, b; };
union { GLint w, a; };
} vec4_i;
// textured vertex
struct PACKED v_text {
vec2_i pos;
vec2_i uv;
// colored vertex
struct PACKED v_col {
vec2_i pos;
vec2_i col;
// different stacks
#define _STACK_NAME vtstack
#define _STACK_TYPE struct v_text
#include "stack.h"
#undef _STACK_NAME
#undef _STACK_TYPE
#define _STACK_NAME vcstack
#define _STACK_TYPE struct v_col
#include "stack.h"