You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

210 lines
6.1 KiB

//#include "svpng.h"
#include "stb_image_write.h"
#include "../stb_truetype.h"
#include "../msdf.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#define SAMPLE_ROOT ""
typedef struct Range {
void* content;
size_t size;
} Range;
Range g_fileRead(const char* fileName) {
Range range = {NULL, 0};
FILE* fileHandle = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (fileHandle == NULL) {
assert(!"File not fount");
return range;
fseek(fileHandle, 0, SEEK_END); // seek to end of file
size_t size = ftell(fileHandle); // get current file pointer
fseek(fileHandle, 0, SEEK_SET); // seek back to beginning of file
if (size == 0) {
assert(!"File size zero");
return range;
void* mem = malloc(size);
size_t readSize = fread(mem, 1, size, fileHandle);
if (readSize == size) {
range.content = mem;
range.size = size;
} else {
return range;
static void* g_alloc(size_t size, void* ctx) {
return malloc(size);
static void g_free(void* ptr, void* ctx) {
return free(ptr);
float g_min(float a, float b) {
return a > b ? b : a;
float g_max(float a, float b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
float g_clamp(float val, float min, float max) {
return g_min(g_max(val, min), max);
float g_median(float r, float g, float b) {
return g_max(g_min(r, g), g_min(g_max(r, g), b));
float g_map(float min, float max, float v) {
return (v - min) / (max - min);
int main() {
stbtt_fontinfo stbttInfo;
Range fontFile = g_fileRead("./fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf");
if (fontFile.content == NULL) {
assert(!"could not load font from disk");
return 1;
if (!stbtt_InitFont(&stbttInfo, fontFile.content, stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex(fontFile.content, 0))) {
assert(!"Couldn't parse font");
return 1;
int ascent, descent;
stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&stbttInfo, &ascent, &descent, 0);
int borderSize = 4;
int genSize = 32+borderSize;
float genScale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&stbttInfo, genSize);
// int glyph = 0x00e8; // è
int glyph = 0x069D;
int glyphIdx = stbtt_FindGlyphIndex(&stbttInfo, glyph);
msdf_AllocCtx allocCtx = {g_alloc, g_free, NULL};
msdf_Result result;
int success = msdf_genGlyph(&result, &stbttInfo, glyphIdx, borderSize, genScale, 2.0f / genSize, &allocCtx);
if (success == 0) {
assert(!"Failed to generate msdf glyph");
return 1;
// FILE* fp = fopen(SAMPLE_ROOT "/sdf.png", "wb");
uint8_t* pixels = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * result.width * result.height * 3);
float scale = genSize;
float maxValue = 1.0 * (scale);
float transistionWidth = ((((((float) genSize) * 0.7f) + scale) / (scale * 2.0f)));
float transistionAbs = (transistionWidth - 0.5);
float transistStart = 0.5 - transistionAbs / 2;
float transistEnd = transistStart + transistionAbs;
//float ff = expf(0.01);
for (int y = 0; y < result.height; y++) {
int yPos = result.width * 3 * y;
uint8_t* pixelRow = pixels + (y * result.width * 3);
for (int x = 0; x < result.width; x++) {
int indexSdf = yPos + (x * 3);
float r = result.rgb[indexSdf + 0];
float g = result.rgb[indexSdf + 1];
float b = result.rgb[indexSdf + 2];
r = ((((r) + scale) / (scale * 2.0f)));
g = ((((g) + scale) / (scale * 2.0f)));
b = ((((b) + scale) / (scale * 2.0f)));
if (r > transistStart) {
if (r > (transistEnd)) {
r = 1.0f;
} else {
r = 0.0f + (r - transistStart) / (transistionAbs);
} else {
r = 0.0f;
if (g > transistStart) {
if (g > (transistEnd)) {
g = 1.0f;
} else {
g = 0.0f + (g - transistStart) / (transistionAbs);
} else {
g = 0.0f;
if (b > transistStart) {
if (b > (transistEnd)) {
b = 1.0f;
} else {
b = 0.0f + (b - transistStart) / (transistionAbs);
} else {
b = 0.0f;
pixelRow[x * 3 + 0] = r * 255.0f; // (r > 0.5f) ? 255.0f : r * 255.0f;
pixelRow[x * 3 + 1] = g * 255.0f; // (g > 0.5f) ? 255.0f : g * 255.0f;
pixelRow[x * 3 + 2] = b * 255.0f; // (b > 0.5f) ? 255.0f : b * 255.0f;
// printf("bruh\n");
// svpng(fp, result.width, result.height, pixels, 0);
stbi_write_png("./sdf.png", result.width, result.height, 3, pixels, 3*result.width);
// fclose(fp);
// apply sdf
// FILE* finalImage = fopen(SAMPLE_ROOT "/final.png", "wb");
// uint8_t* rgbaFinal = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * result.width * result.height * 4);
// for (int y = 0; y < result.height; y++) {
// uint8_t* pixelRow = pixels + (y * result.width * 3);
// uint8_t* rgbaFinalRow = rgbaFinal + (y * result.width * 4);
// for (int x = 0; x < result.width; x++) {
// float r = ((float)pixelRow[x * 3 + 0]) / 255.0f;// = r * 255.0f; // (r > 0.5f) ? 255.0f : r * 255.0f;
// float g = ((float)pixelRow[x * 3 + 1]) / 255.0f;// = g * 255.0f; // (g > 0.5f) ? 255.0f : g * 255.0f;
// float b = ((float)pixelRow[x * 3 + 2]) / 255.0f;// = b * 255.0f; // (b > 0.5f) ? 255.0f : b * 255.0f;
// float dist = g_median(r, g, b);
// float opacity = g_clamp(dist - 0.5f, 0, 1) * 2.0f;
// rgbaFinalRow[x * 4 + 0] = 0;//255.0f;
// rgbaFinalRow[x * 4 + 1] = 0;//255.0f;
// rgbaFinalRow[x * 4 + 2] = 0;//255.0f;
// rgbaFinalRow[x * 4 + 3] = opacity * 255.0f;
// }
// }
// svpng(finalImage, result.width, result.height, rgbaFinal, 1);
// fclose(finalImage);
return 0;