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73 lines
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#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809l
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <search.h>
#define CACHE_SIZE 512
static struct hsearch_data hash_table;
struct data {
unsigned int glyph;
unsigned int w, h, u, v;
static struct data cache_array[CACHE_SIZE] = {0};
// bitmap size is aligned to word
#define _BSIZE (CACHE_SIZE+0x3f)&(~0x3f)
static uint64_t bitmap[_BSIZE] = {0};
// bitmap operations
#define B_RESET() memset(bitmap, 0, _BSIZE*sizeof(uint64_t))
#define B_SET(x) bitmap[(x)/_BSIZE] = 1<<((x)%_BSIZE)
#define B_TEST(x) (bitmap[(x)/_BSIZE]&(1<<((x)%_BSIZE)))
// reset the bitmap every n cycles
static int cycles = 0;
void cache_init()
hcreate_r(CACHE_SIZE, &hash_table);
void cache_destroy()
// d->glyph already contains the right glyph
struct data * cache_get(uint32_t glyph)
static char gstr[5] = {0};
static ENTRY e, *r;
memcpy(gstr, &glyph, 4); = gstr;
hsearch_r(e, FIND, &r, &hash_table);
// miss
if (!r)
return NULL;
// hit
cycles = (cycles+1)%NCYCLES;
if (!cycles) B_RESET();
B_SET((struct data *)(r->data)-cache_array);
return (struct data *)(r->data);
int cache_insert(struct data *d)
struct data *spot = NULL;
uint32_t x = 0;
for (; x < CACHE_SIZE; x++)
if (!B_TEST(x))