You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
739 B

#ifndef _UG_DEF_STYLE_H
#define _UG_DEF_STYLE_H
#include "ugui.h"
#define SZ_INT(x) x.size.i
static const ug_style_t default_style = {
.color = {
.bg = RGB_FORMAT(0x131313),
.fg = RGB_FORMAT(0xffffff),
.margin = SIZE_PX(3),
.border = {
.color = RGB_FORMAT(0xf50a00),
.size = SIZE_PX(2),
.title = {
.color = {
.bg = RGB_FORMAT(0xbbbbbb),
.fg = RGB_FORMAT(0xffff00),
.height = SIZE_PX(20),
.font_size = SIZE_PX(14),
.btn = {
.color = {
.act = RGB_FORMAT(0x440044),
.bg = RGB_FORMAT(0x006600),
.fg = RGB_FORMAT(0xffff00),
.sel = RGB_FORMAT(0xff0000),
.br = RGB_FORMAT(0xff00ff),
.font_size = SIZE_PX(10),
.border = SIZE_PX(11),