module ugui; // FIXME: is this really the best solution? // "rect" is the bounding box of the element, which includes the border and the padding (so not just the content) fn void! Ctx.push_rect(&ctx, Rect rect, Color color, bool do_border = false, bool do_padding = false, bool do_radius = false) { Rect border =; Rect padding =; ushort radius =; Color border_color =; if (do_border) { Cmd cmd = { .type = CMD_RECT, .rect.rect = rect, .rect.color = border_color, .rect.radius = do_radius ? radius : 0, }; ctx.cmd_queue.enqueue(&cmd)!; } Cmd cmd = { .type = CMD_RECT, .rect.rect = { .x = rect.x + (do_border ? border.x : 0) + (do_padding ? padding.x : 0), .y = rect.y + (do_border ? border.y : 0) + (do_padding ? padding.y : 0), .w = rect.w - (do_border ? border.x+border.w : 0) - (do_padding ? padding.x+padding.w : 0), .h = rect.h - (do_border ? border.y+border.h : 0) - (do_padding ? padding.y+padding.h : 0), }, .rect.color = color, .rect.radius = do_radius ? radius : 0, }; ctx.cmd_queue.enqueue(&cmd)!; }