working again

Alessandro Mauri 1 year ago
parent ba54900852
commit 17a2bc32b8
  1. 212
  2. 5


@ -174,6 +174,10 @@ int ug_ctx_set_displayinfo(ug_ctx_t *ctx, float scale, float ppi)
if (scale <= 0 || ppi < 20.0)
return -1;
ctx->last_ppi = ctx->ppi;
ctx->last_ppm = ctx->ppd;
ctx->last_ppd = ctx->ppm;
ctx->ppm = PPI_PPM(scale, ppi);
ctx->ppd = PPI_PPM(scale, ppi);
ctx->ppi = ppi;
@ -253,27 +257,37 @@ static ug_container_t *get_container(ug_ctx_t *ctx, ug_id_t id)
// also handle resizing, moving, ect. if allowed by the container
static void update_container(ug_ctx_t *ctx, ug_container_t *cnt)
// use millimeters as common screen-relative units
if (cnt->unit == UG_UNIT_PT) {
cnt->rect.fx *= ctx->ppd;
cnt->rect.fy *= ctx->ppd;
cnt->rect.fw *= ctx->ppd;
cnt->rect.fh *= ctx->ppd;
// recalculate position
// if the container is new it has never been converted to pixels
if (cnt->unit != UG_UNIT_PX) {
cnt->rect_abs.x = roundf(cnt->rect.fx * ctx->ppm);
cnt->rect_abs.y = roundf(cnt->rect.fy * ctx->ppm);
cnt->rect_abs.w = roundf(cnt->rect.fw * ctx->ppm);
cnt->rect_abs.h = roundf(cnt->rect.fh * ctx->ppm);
float scale = 1.0;
switch (ctx->unit) {
case UG_UNIT_MM: scale = ctx->ppm; break;
case UG_UNIT_PT: scale = ctx->ppd; break;
default: break;
cnt->rect.x = roundf(cnt->rect.fx * scale);
cnt->rect.y = roundf(cnt->rect.fy * scale);
cnt->rect.w = roundf(cnt->rect.fw * scale);
cnt->rect.h = roundf(cnt->rect.fh * scale);
cnt->unit = UG_UNIT_PX;
} else if (ctx->ppi != ctx->last_ppi) {
// if the scale has been updated than we need to scale the container
// as well
float scale = ctx->ppi / ctx->last_ppi;
cnt->rect.x = roundf(cnt->rect.x * scale);
cnt->rect.y = roundf(cnt->rect.y * scale);
cnt->rect.w = roundf(cnt->rect.w * scale);
cnt->rect.h = roundf(cnt->rect.h * scale);
cnt->rca = cnt->rect;
* Container style:
* rect_abs(0,0)
* v
* rca
* v
* +-----------------------------------------------+
* | Titlebar |
* +-----------------------------------------------+
@ -299,111 +313,83 @@ static void update_container(ug_ctx_t *ctx, ug_container_t *cnt)
const ug_style_t *s = ctx->style_px;
int bl = s->cnt.border.l.size;
int br = s->cnt.border.r.size;
int bt = s->cnt.border.t.size;
int bb = s->cnt.border.b.size;
int hh = s->cnt.titlebar.height.size;
int cw = ctx->size.w;
int ch = ctx->size.h;
// 0 -> take all the space, <0 -> take absolute
if (cnt->rect_abs.w < 0) cnt->rect_abs.w = -cnt->rect_abs.w;
if (cnt->rect_abs.h < 0) cnt->rect_abs.h = -cnt->rect_abs.h;
if (cnt->rect.w < 0) cnt->rca.w = -cnt->rect.w;
if (cnt->rect.h < 0) cnt->rca.h = -cnt->rect.h;
if (cnt->rect_abs.w == 0) {
cnt->rect_abs.w = ctx->size.w -
s->cnt.border.l.size -
s->cnt.border.r.size ;
} else {
cnt->rect_abs.w += s->cnt.border.r.size + s->cnt.border.l.size;
if (cnt->rect_abs.h == 0) {
cnt->rect_abs.h = ctx->size.h -
s->cnt.border.t.size -
s->cnt.border.b.size ;
} else {
cnt->rect_abs.h += s->cnt.border.t.size + s->cnt.border.b.size;
if (cnt->flags & UG_CNT_MOVABLE)
cnt->rect_abs.h += s->cnt.titlebar.height.size;
// handle relative position
// and move to fit borders
if (cnt->rect.w == 0) cnt->rca.w = cw - br - bl;
else cnt->rca.w += bl + br;
if (cnt->rect.h == 0) cnt->rca.h = ch - bt - bb;
else if (cnt->flags & UG_CNT_MOVABLE) cnt->rca.h += hh + 2*bt + bb;
else cnt->rca.h += bt + bb;
// the window may have been resized so cap the position to the window size
if (cnt->rect_abs.x > ctx->size.w)
cnt->rect_abs.x = ctx->size.x - cnt->rect_abs.w;
if (cnt->rect_abs.y > ctx->size.h)
cnt->rect_abs.y = ctx->size.y - cnt->rect_abs.h;
// FIXME: is MAX(cw - bl, 0) better?
if (cnt->rect.x > cw) cnt->rca.x = cw;
if (cnt->rect.y > ch) cnt->rca.y = ch;
// <0 -> relative to the right margin
if (cnt->rect_abs.x < 0)
cnt->rect_abs.x = ctx->size.x - cnt->rect_abs.w + cnt->rect_abs.x;
if (cnt->rect_abs.y < 0)
cnt->rect_abs.y = ctx->size.y - cnt->rect_abs.h + cnt->rect_abs.y;
if (cnt->rect.x < 0) cnt->rca.x = cw - cnt->rca.w + cnt->rca.x;
if (cnt->rect.y < 0) cnt->rca.y = ch - cnt->rca.h + cnt->rca.y;
// if we had focus the frame before, then do shit
// FIXME: if this is a brand new container then do we need to handle user
// inputs, since all inputs lag one frame, then it would make no sense
if (ctx->hover.cnt_last != cnt->id)
goto cnt_draw;
// mouse pressed handle resize, for simplicity containers can only
// be resized from the bottom and right border
// TODO: bring selected container to the top of the stack
if (!(ctx->mouse.down_mask & UG_BTN_LEFT) ||
!(cnt->flags & (UG_CNT_RESIZABLE | UG_CNT_MOVABLE)))
goto cnt_draw;
ug_vec2_t mpos = ctx->mouse.pos;
int minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
int delta_x = 0, delta_y = 0, delta_w = 0, delta_h = 0;
// handle movable windows
if (cnt->flags & UG_CNT_MOVABLE) {
minx = cnt->rect_abs.x;
maxx = cnt->rect_abs.x + cnt->rect_abs.w - s->cnt.border.l.size;
miny = cnt->rect_abs.y;
maxy = cnt->rect_abs.y + s->cnt.titlebar.height.size;
if (BETWEEN(mpos.x, minx, maxx) &&
BETWEEN(mpos.y, miny, maxy)) {
cnt->rect_abs.x += ctx->;
cnt->rect_abs.y += ctx->;
delta_x = ctx->;
delta_y = ctx->;
minx = cnt->rca.x;
maxx = cnt->rca.x + cnt->rca.w - br;
miny = cnt->rca.y;
maxy = cnt->rca.y + bt + hh;
if (BETWEEN(mpos.x, minx, maxx) && BETWEEN(mpos.y, miny, maxy)) {
cnt->rect.x += ctx->;
cnt->rect.y += ctx->;
cnt->rca.x += ctx->;
cnt->rca.y += ctx->;
if (cnt->flags & UG_CNT_RESIZABLE) {
// right border resize
minx = cnt->rect_abs.x + cnt->rect_abs.w - s->cnt.border.r.size;
maxx = cnt->rect_abs.x + cnt->rect_abs.w;
miny = cnt->rect_abs.y;
maxy = cnt->rect_abs.y + cnt->rect_abs.h;
minx = cnt->rca.x + cnt->rca.w - br;
maxx = cnt->rca.x + cnt->rca.w;
miny = cnt->rca.y;
maxy = cnt->rca.y + cnt->rca.h;
if (BETWEEN(mpos.x, minx, maxx) && BETWEEN(mpos.y, miny, maxy)) {
cnt->rect_abs.w += ctx->;
CAP(cnt->rect_abs.w, 0);
delta_w = ctx->;
cnt->rect.w += ctx->;
cnt->rca.w += ctx->;
// bottom border resize
minx = cnt->rect_abs.x;
maxx = cnt->rect_abs.x + cnt->rect_abs.w;
miny = cnt->rect_abs.y + cnt->rect_abs.h - s->cnt.border.b.size;
maxy = cnt->rect_abs.y + cnt->rect_abs.h;
minx = cnt->rca.x;
maxx = cnt->rca.x + cnt->rca.w;
miny = cnt->rca.y + cnt->rca.h - bb;
maxy = cnt->rca.y + cnt->rca.h;
if (BETWEEN(mpos.x, minx, maxx) && BETWEEN(mpos.y, miny, maxy)) {
cnt->rect_abs.h += ctx->;
CAP(cnt->rect_abs.h, s->text.size.size);
delta_h = ctx->;
if (delta_x || delta_y || delta_w || delta_h) {
if (cnt->unit == UG_UNIT_PX) {
cnt->rect = cnt->rect_abs;
} else {
if (cnt->rect.fx < 0)
cnt->rect.fx = cnt->rect_abs.x / ctx->ppm;
if (cnt->rect.fy < 0)
cnt->rect.fy = cnt->rect_abs.y / ctx->ppm;
cnt->rect.fx += delta_x / ctx->ppm;
cnt->rect.fy += delta_y / ctx->ppm;
cnt->rect.fw += delta_w / ctx->ppm;
cnt->rect.fh += delta_h / ctx->ppm;
cnt->rect.h += ctx->;
cnt->rca.h += ctx->;
@ -414,30 +400,34 @@ static void update_container(ug_ctx_t *ctx, ug_container_t *cnt)
// a scroll bar? Maybe add that information inside the
// container structure
// push the appropriate rectangles to the drawing stack
ug_rect_t draw_rect;
// push outline
push_rect_command(ctx, &cnt->rect_abs, s->cnt.border.color);
// push titlebar
ug_rect_t titlebar = {
.x = (cnt->rect_abs.x + s->cnt.border.l.size),
.y = (cnt->rect_abs.y + s->cnt.border.t.size),
.w = (cnt->rect_abs.w - s->cnt.border.r.size - s->cnt.border.l.size),
.h = s->cnt.titlebar.height.size,
push_rect_command(ctx, &titlebar, s->cnt.titlebar.bg_color);
draw_rect = cnt->rca;
push_rect_command(ctx, &draw_rect, s->cnt.border.color);
// titlebar
if (cnt->flags & UG_CNT_MOVABLE) {
draw_rect.x += bl;
draw_rect.y += bt;
draw_rect.w -= bl + br;
draw_rect.h = hh;
push_rect_command(ctx, &draw_rect, s->cnt.titlebar.bg_color);
// push main body
ug_rect_t body = {
.x = (cnt->rect_abs.x + s->cnt.border.l.size),
.y = (cnt->rect_abs.y + s->cnt.border.t.size),
.w = (cnt->rect_abs.w - s->cnt.border.l.size - s->cnt.border.r.size),
.h = (cnt->rect_abs.h - s->cnt.border.t.size - s->cnt.border.b.size),
draw_rect = cnt->rca;
draw_rect.x += bl;
draw_rect.y += bt;
draw_rect.w -= bl + br;
draw_rect.h -= bt + bb;
if (cnt->flags & UG_CNT_MOVABLE) {
body.y += s->cnt.titlebar.height.size + s->cnt.border.t.size;
body.h -= s->cnt.titlebar.height.size + s->cnt.border.t.size;
draw_rect.y += bt + hh;
draw_rect.h -= bt + hh;
push_rect_command(ctx, &body, s->cnt.bg_color);
push_rect_command(ctx, &draw_rect, s->cnt.bg_color);
// TODO: push other rects
@ -533,7 +523,7 @@ int ug_frame_begin(ug_ctx_t *ctx)
ug_vec2_t v = ctx->mouse.pos;
// printf("mouse: x=%d, y=%d\n", ctx->mouse.pos.x, ctx->mouse.pos.x);
for (int i = 0; i < ctx->cnt_stack.idx; i++) {
ug_rect_t r = ctx->cnt_stack.items[i].rect_abs;
ug_rect_t r = ctx->cnt_stack.items[i].rca;
if (INTERSECTS(v, r)) {
ctx->hover.cnt = ctx->cnt_stack.items[i].id;
// printf("intersects! %.8x\n", ctx->hover.cnt);
@ -561,6 +551,12 @@ int ug_frame_end(ug_ctx_t *ctx)
ctx->hover.cnt = 0;
ctx->hover.elem = 0;
ctx->last_ppi = ctx->ppi;
ctx->last_ppm = ctx->ppm;
ctx->last_ppd = ctx->ppd;
return 0;

@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ typedef enum {
typedef struct {
ug_id_t id;
ug_unit_t unit;
ug_rect_t rect, rect_abs;
ug_rect_t rect;
// absolute position rect
ug_rect_t rca;
ug_vec2_t max_size;
unsigned int flags;
} ug_container_t;
@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ typedef struct {
// ppm: pixels per millimeter
// ppd: pixels per dot
float ppi, ppm, ppd;
float last_ppi, last_ppm, last_ppd;
// containers need to know how big the "main container" is so that all
// the relative positioning work
ug_vec2_t size;
