#ifndef _UGUI_H
#define _UGUI_H
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct {
int32_t x, y, w, h;
} UgRect;
typedef struct {
int32_t x, y;
} UgPoint;
typedef struct {
uint8_t r, g, b, a;
} UgColor;
typedef uint64_t UgId;
typedef enum {
} UgElemType;
typedef struct {
UgId id;
UgRect rec;
union {
uint32_t type_int;
UgElemType type;
} UgElem;
// TODO: add a packed flag
// TODO: add a fill index to skip some searching for free spots
typedef struct {
int size, elements;
UgId *vector; // vector of element ids
int *refs, *ordered_refs;
} UgTree;
typedef struct {
struct _IdTable *table;
UgElem *array;
uint64_t *present, *used;
int cycles;
} UgElemCache;
typedef struct _UgCtx UgCtx;
// tree implementation
int ug_tree_init(UgTree *tree, unsigned int size);
int ug_tree_pack(UgTree *tree);
int ug_tree_resize(UgTree *tree, unsigned int newsize);
int ug_tree_add(UgTree *tree, UgId elem, int parent);
int ug_tree_prune(UgTree *tree, int ref);
int ug_tree_subtree_size(UgTree *tree, int ref);
int ug_tree_children_it(UgTree *tree, int parent, int *cursor);
int ug_tree_level_order_it(UgTree *tree, int ref, int *cursor);
int ug_tree_parentof(UgTree *tree, int node);
int ug_tree_destroy(UgTree *tree);
// cache implementation
UgElemCache ug_cache_init(void);
void ug_cache_free(UgElemCache *cache);
UgElem *ug_cache_search(UgElemCache *cache, UgId id);
UgElem *ug_cache_insert(UgElemCache *cache, const UgElem *g, uint32_t *index);
int ug_init(UgCtx *ctx);
int ug_destroy(UgCtx *ctx);
int ug_frame_begin(UgCtx *ctx);
int ug_frame_end(UgCtx *ctx);
#endif // _UGUI_H