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36 lines
770 B

1 year ago
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <grapheme.h>
#include "cache.h"
#include "font.h"
int main(void)
struct font_glyph *g, b;
b.codepoint = 'a';
b.u = b.v = 10;
b.w = b.h = 20;
g = cache_get('a');
if (!g) printf("no element\n");
g = cache_get(0xa3c0);
if (!g) printf("not present\n");
const char *s = "κόσμε ciao mamma @à``²`²aas³³²";
size_t ret, off;
uint_least32_t cp;
for (off = 0; (ret = grapheme_decode_utf8(s+off, SIZE_MAX, &cp)) > 0 && cp != 0; off += ret) {
printf("%.*s (%d) -> %d\n", (int)ret, s+off, (int)ret, cp);
b.codepoint = cp;
if (cache_insert(&b)) printf("failed insert %d\n", b.codepoint);
if ((g = cache_get(cp))) printf("got %d\n", g->codepoint);
return 0;