@ -1,10 +1,8 @@ |
# lite |
A lightweight text editor written in Lua |
* **[Get lite](https://github.com/rxi/lite/releases/latest)** — Download |
for Windows and Linux |
* **[Get started](doc/usage.md)** — A quick overview on how to get started |
* **[Get plugins](https://github.com/rxi/lite-plugins)** — Add additional |
functionality |
@ -24,10 +22,14 @@ The editor can be customized by making changes to the |
[user module](data/user/init.lua). |
## Building |
You can build the project yourself on Linux using the `build.sh` script |
or on Windows using the `build.bat` script *([MinGW](https://nuwen.net/mingw.html) is required)*. |
Note that the project does not need to be rebuilt if you are only making changes |
to the Lua portion of the code. |
You will need: |
- Lua 5.2 and libraries |
- SDL2 |
- A c11 compiler (gcc or clang) |
- make |
To build run `make`, to install `make install` with root privileges and to |
uninstall `make uninstall` also with root privileges. |
To clean the mess run `make clean`. |
## Contributing |
Any additional functionality that can be added through a plugin should be done |