fork of that removes windows support and improves useability
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

388 lines
15 KiB

local style = require ""
local common = require "core.common"
local syntax = require "core.syntax"
syntax.add {
files = { "%.glsl$", "%.frag$", "%.vert$", },
comment = "//",
patterns = {
{ pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" },
{ pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" },
{ pattern = { "#", "[^\\]\n" }, type = "comment" },
{ pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" },
{ pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" },
{ pattern = "-?0x%x+", type = "number" },
{ pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.eE]*f?", type = "number" },
{ pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" },
{ pattern = "[%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&]", type = "operator" },
{ pattern = "ivec[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
{ pattern = "bvec[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
{ pattern = "uvec[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
{ pattern = "vec[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
{ pattern = "dmat[2-4]x[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
{ pattern = "dmat[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
{ pattern = "mat[2-4]x[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
{ pattern = "mat[2-4]", type = "keyword2" },
{ pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*%f[(]", type = "function" },
{ pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" },
symbols = {
--The symbols are added here in the order they appear in the spec
["if"] = "keyword",
["else"] = "keyword",
["do"] = "keyword",
["while"] = "keyword",
["for"] = "keyword",
["break"] = "keyword",
["continue"] = "keyword",
["return"] = "keyword",
["const"] = "keyword",
["switch"] = "keyword",
["case"] = "keyword",
["default"] = "keyword",
["const"] = "keyword",
["void"] = "keyword",
["bool"] = "keyword2",
["int"] = "keyword2",
["uint"] = "keyword2",
["float"] = "keyword2",
["double"] = "keyword2",
["true"] = "literal",
["false"] = "literal",
["NULL"] = "literal",
["attribute"] = "keyword",
["varying"] = "keyword",
["uniform"] = "keyword",
["buffer"] = "keyword",
["shared"] = "keyword",
["layout"] = "keyword",
["centroid"] = "keyword",
["flat"] = "keyword",
["smooth"] = "keyword",
["noperspective"]= "keyword",
["patch"] = "keyword",
["sample"] = "keyword",
["in"] = "keyword",
["out"] = "keyword",
["inout"] = "keyword",
["invariant"] = "keyword",
["precise"] = "keyword",
["lowp"] = "keyword",
["mediump"] = "keyword",
["highp"] = "keyword",
["precision"] = "keyword",
["struct"] = "keyword",
["subroutine"] = "keyword",
["coherent"] = "keyword",
["volatile"] = "keyword",
["readonly"] = "keyword",
["writeonly"] = "keyword",
["sampler1D"] = "keyword2",
["sampler2D"] = "keyword2",
["sampler3D"] = "keyword2",
["samplerCube"] = "keyword2",
["sampler1DShadow"] = "keyword2",
["sampler2DShadow"] = "keyword2",
["samplerCubeShadow"] = "keyword2",
["sampler1DArray"] = "keyword2",
["sampler2DArray"] = "keyword2",
["samplerCubeArray"] = "keyword2",
["sampler1DArrayShadow"] = "keyword2",
["sampler2DArrayShadow"] = "keyword2",
["samplerCubeArrayShadow"]= "keyword2",
["isampler1D"] = "keyword2",
["isampler2D"] = "keyword2",
["isampler3D"] = "keyword2",
["isamplerCube"] = "keyword2",
["sampler2DMS"] = "keyword2",
["isampler2DMS"] = "keyword2",
["usampler2DMS"] = "keyword2",
["sampler2DMSArray"] = "keyword2",
["isampler2DMSArray"] = "keyword2",
["usampler2DMSArray"] = "keyword2",
["isampler1DArray"] = "keyword2",
["isampler2DArray"] = "keyword2",
["usampler1D"] = "keyword2",
["usampler2D"] = "keyword2",
["usampler3D"] = "keyword2",
["usamplerCube"] = "keyword2",
["usampler1DArray"] = "keyword2",
["usampler2DArray"] = "keyword2",
["sampler2DRect"] = "keyword2",
["sampler2DRectShadow"] = "keyword2",
["isampler2DRect"] = "keyword2",
["usampler2DRect"] = "keyword2",
["samplerBuffer"] = "keyword2",
["isamplerBuffer"] = "keyword2",
["usamplerBuffer"] = "keyword2",
["image1D"] = "keyword2",
["iimage1D"] = "keyword2",
["uimage1D"] = "keyword2",
["image1DArray"] = "keyword2",
["iimage1DArray"] = "keyword2",
["uimage1DArray"] = "keyword2",
["image2D"] = "keyword2",
["iimage2D"] = "keyword2",
["uimage2D"] = "keyword2",
["image2DArray"] = "keyword2",
["iimage2DArray"] = "keyword2",
["uimage2DArray"] = "keyword2",
["image2DRect"] = "keyword2",
["iimage2DRect"] = "keyword2",
["uimage2DRect"] = "keyword2",
["image2DMS"] = "keyword2",
["iimage2DMS"] = "keyword2",
["uimage2DMS"] = "keyword2",
["image2DMSArray"] = "keyword2",
["iimage2DMSArray"]= "keyword2",
["uimage2DMSArray"]= "keyword2",
["image3D"] = "keyword2",
["iimage3D"] = "keyword2",
["uimage3D"] = "keyword2",
["imageCube"] = "keyword2",
["iimageCube"] = "keyword2",
["uimageCube"] = "keyword2",
["imageCubeArray"] = "keyword2",
["iimageCubeArray"]= "keyword2",
["uimageCubeArray"]= "keyword2",
["imageBuffer"] = "keyword2",
["iimageBuffer"] = "keyword2",
["uimageBuffer"] = "keyword2",
["atomic_uint"] = "keyword2",
["radians"] = "keyword",
["degrees"] = "keyword",
["sin"] = "keyword",
["cos"] = "keyword",
["tan"] = "keyword",
["asin"] = "keyword",
["acos"] = "keyword",
["atan"] = "keyword",
["sinh"] = "keyword",
["cosh"] = "keyword",
["tanh"] = "keyword",
["asinh"] = "keyword",
["acosh"] = "keyword",
["pow"] = "keyword",
["exp"] = "keyword",
["exp2"] = "keyword",
["log2"] = "keyword",
["sqrt"] = "keyword",
["inversesqrt"] = "keyword",
["abs"] = "keyword",
["sign"] = "keyword",
["floor"] = "keyword",
["trunc"] = "keyword",
["round"] = "keyword",
["roundEven"] = "keyword",
["ceil"] = "keyword",
["fract"] = "keyword",
["mod"] = "keyword",
["modf"] = "keyword",
["min"] = "keyword",
["max"] = "keyword",
["clamp"] = "keyword",
["mix"] = "keyword",
["step"] = "keyword",
["smoothstep"] = "keyword",
["isnan"] = "keyword",
["isinf"] = "keyword",
["floatBitsToInt"] = "keyword",
["floatBitsToUint"] = "keyword",
["intBitsToFloat"] = "keyword",
["uintBitsToFloat"] = "keyword",
["fma"] = "keyword",
["frexp"] = "keyword",
["ldexp"] = "keyword",
["packUnorm2x16"] = "keyword",
["packSnorm2x16"] = "keyword",
["packUnorm4x8"] = "keyword",
["packSnorm4x8"] = "keyword",
["unpackUnorm2x16"] = "keyword",
["unpackSnorm2x16"] = "keyword",
["unpackUnorm4x8"] = "keyword",
["unpackSnorm4x8"] = "keyword",
["packHalf2x16"] = "keyword",
["unpackHalf2x16"] = "keyword",
["packDouble2x32"] = "keyword",
["unpackDouble2x32"] = "keyword",
["length"] = "keyword",
["distance"] = "keyword",
["dot"] = "keyword",
["cross"] = "keyword",
["normalize"] = "keyword",
["ftransform"] = "keyword",
["faceforward"] = "keyword",
["reflect"] = "keyword",
["refract"] = "keyword",
["matrixCompMult"] = "keyword",
["outerProduct"] = "keyword",
["transpose"] = "keyword",
["determinant"] = "keyword",
["inverse"] = "keyword",
["lessThan"] = "keyword",
["lessThanEqual"] = "keyword",
["greaterThan"] = "keyword",
["greaterThanEqual"] = "keyword",
["equal"] = "keyword",
["notEqual"] = "keyword",
["any"] = "keyword",
["all"] = "keyword",
["not"] = "keyword",
["uaddCarry"] = "keyword",
["usubBorrow"] = "keyword",
["umulExtended"] = "keyword",
["imulExtended"] = "keyword",
["bitfieldExtract"] = "keyword",
["bitfieldInsert"] = "keyword",
["bitfieldReverse"] = "keyword",
["bitCount"] = "keyword",
["findLSB"] = "keyword",
["findMSB"] = "keyword",
["textureSize"] = "keyword",
["textureQueryLod"] = "keyword",
["textureQueryLevels"] = "keyword",
["textureSamples"] = "keyword",
["texture"] = "keyword",
["textureProj"] = "keyword",
["textureLod"] = "keyword",
["textureOffset"] = "keyword",
["texelFetch"] = "keyword",
["texelFetchOffset"] = "keyword",
["textureProjOffset"] = "keyword",
["textureLodOffset"] = "keyword",
["textureProjLod"] = "keyword",
["textureProjLodOffset"] = "keyword",
["textureGrad"] = "keyword",
["textureGradOffset"] = "keyword",
["textureProjGrad"] = "keyword",
["textureProjGradOffset"]= "keyword",
["textureGather"] = "keyword",
["textureGatherOffset"] = "keyword",
["textureGatherOffsets"] = "keyword",
--Atomic Counter Functions
["atomicCounterIncrement"]= "keyword",
["atomicCounterDecrement"]= "keyword",
["atomicCounter"] = "keyword",
["atomicCounterAdd"] = "keyword",
["atomicCounterSubtract"] = "keyword",
["atomicCounterMin"] = "keyword",
["atomicCounterMax"] = "keyword",
["atomicCounterAnd"] = "keyword",
["atomicCounterOr"] = "keyword",
["atomicCounterXor"] = "keyword",
["atomicCounterExchange"] = "keyword",
["atomicCounterCompSwap"] = "keyword",
--Atomic Memory Functions
["atomicAdd"] = "keyword",
["atomicMin"] = "keyword",
["atomicMax"] = "keyword",
["atomicAnd"] = "keyword",
["atomicOr"] = "keyword",
["atomicXor"] = "keyword",
["atomicExchange"]= "keyword",
["atomicCompSwap"]= "keyword",
--Image Functions
["imageSize"] = "keyword",
["imageSamples"] = "keyword",
["imageLoad"] = "keyword",
["imageStore"] = "keyword",
["imageAtomicAdd"] = "keyword",
["imageAtomicMin"] = "keyword",
["imageAtomicMax"] = "keyword",
["imageAtomicAnd"] = "keyword",
["imageAtomicOr"] = "keyword",
["imageAtomicXor"] = "keyword",
["imageAtomicExchange"]= "keyword",
["imageAtomicCompSwap"]= "keyword",
--Geometry Shader Functions
["EmitStreamVertex"] = "keyword",
["EndStreamPrimitive"] = "keyword",
["EmitVertex"] = "keyword",
["EndPrimitive"] = "keyword",
--Fragment Processing Functions
["dFdx"] = "keyword",
["dFdy"] = "keyword",
["dFdxFine"] = "keyword",
["dFdyFine"] = "keyword",
["dFdxCoarse"] = "keyword",
["dFdyCoarse"] = "keyword",
["fwidth"] = "keyword",
["fwidthFine"] = "keyword",
["fwidthCoarse"] = "keyword",
["interpolateAtCentroid"]= "keyword",
["interpolateAtSample"] = "keyword",
["interpolateAtOffset"] = "keyword",
--Shader Invocation Control Functions
["barrier"] = "keyword",
--Shader Memory Control Functions
["memoryBarrier"] = "keyword",
["memoryBarrierAtomicCounter"]= "keyword",
["memoryBarrierBuffer"] = "keyword",
["memoryBarrierShared"] = "keyword",
["memoryBarrierImage"] = "keyword",
["groupMemoryBarrier"] = "keyword",
--Subpass-Input Functions
["subpassLoad"] = "keyword",
--Shader Invocation Group Functions
["anyInvocation"] = "keyword",
["allInvocations"] = "keyword",
["allInvocationsEqual"]= "keyword",
--"In addition, when targeting Vulkan, the following keywords also exist:"
["texture1D"] = "keyword",
["texture1DArray"] = "keyword",
["itexture1D"] = "keyword",
["itexture1DArray"] = "keyword",
["utexture1D"] = "keyword",
["utexture1DArray"] = "keyword",
["texture2D"] = "keyword",
["texture2DArray"] = "keyword",
["itexture2D"] = "keyword",
["itexture2DArray"] = "keyword",
["utexture2D"] = "keyword",
["utexture2DArray"] = "keyword",
["texture2DRect"] = "keyword",
["itexture2DRect"] = "keyword",
["utexture2DRect"] = "keyword",
["texture2DMS"] = "keyword",
["itexture2DMS"] = "keyword",
["utexture2DMS"] = "keyword",
["texture2DMSArray"] = "keyword",
["itexture2DMSArray"]= "keyword",
["utexture2DMSArray"]= "keyword",
["texture3D"] = "keyword",
["itexture3D"] = "keyword",
["utexture3D"] = "keyword",
["textureCube"] = "keyword",
["itextureCube"] = "keyword",
["utextureCube"] = "keyword",
["textureCubeArray"] = "keyword",
["itextureCubeArray"]= "keyword",
["utextureCubeArray"]= "keyword",
["textureBuffer"] = "keyword",
["itextureBuffer"] = "keyword",
["utextureBuffer"] = "keyword",
["sampler"] = "keyword2",
["samplerShadow"] = "keyword2",
["subpassInput"] = "keyword2",
["isubpassInput"] = "keyword2",
["usubpassInput"] = "keyword2",
["subpassInputMS"] = "keyword2",
["isubpassInputMS"] = "keyword2",
["usubpassInputMS"] = "keyword2",