Graphical applications: file manager: sapcefm > pcmanfm pdf viewever: mupdf > xpfd (qt5) > libreoffice (printing) screenshot: gscreenshot text editor: geany > emacs (almost full os) archiver: xarchiver music player: deadbeef file sync: syncthing video: mpv > vlc (qt5) partitioning: gparted calculator: calc menu: rofi (with icons and customization) > dmenu (suckless) bluetooth: blueman terminal emulator: st (needs patches) > alacritty > kitty (gpu accelerated) image viewver: sxiv > geeqie (printing ability) irc: hexchat internet: browser: firefox extensions: umatrix ublock origin singlefile downloader multi-account containers https everywhere decentraleyes cleanurls canvasblocker skip redirect css exfill protection h264ify feedreader violentmonkey: 4chanx adsBypasser antiAdware professional: office: libreoffice (printing and document handling) eda: kicad math: gnu octave (qt5) cad: freecad (qt5) > solvespace image: gimp audio: audacity Terminal/tui applications: file manager: nnn > fff pdf viewever: (kitty term) screenshot: scrot text editor: vim > nano > micro archiver: 7z (and others) music player: ncmpcpp (mpd) > cmus encryption: tomb partitioning: cfdisk calculator: bc irc: weechat > irssi email: mutt administration: processes: htop network: iftop power: powertop io: iotop disk space: dfc bling: ufetch system: network: wpa_supplicant > connman > iwd input: libinput lock screen: xss-lock + {xsecurelock > i3lock-fancy > betterlockscreen > i3lock-color} acpi events handler: acpid key bindings: sxhkd backlight control: acpilight > light > xbacklight audio system: alsa: needed: alsa-firmware + alsa-tools bluetooth: bluez-alsa pulseaudio only: apulse volume and control: alsa-utils ntp daemon: chrony fonts: fontmanager print server: cups mounter: udevil wm: bspwm > awesome > i3 > dwm statusbar: polybar > lemonbar-xft notifications: dunst > awesome distro: void glibc > void musl (breaks xdeb) dotfile manager: yadm authentication: pam_u2f shell: bash > fish compositor: picom ( login manager: none boot: refind > grub + os-prober wrappers and compatibility programs: xbps: vpm sv: vsv .deb to xbps: xdeb settings: network: wifish + dialog lock screen: xscreensaver video: arandr themes: lxappearance audio: alsa-utils desktop: nitrogen gestures: libinput gestures + power: tlpui