Fixing Font problems 03-10-2019: as it turns out xorg-fonts causes the issue so unse noto-fonts instead Udev rules not applying: in void the default path for udev rules is /usr/lib/udev/rules.d U2f rules not working: install the pachage pam-u2f then navigate to the rules folder and check 70-u2f.rules for your specific key, if it is not present add it at the bottom following the same format as the other keys "Unfixable" errors at startup: change the loglevel to 3 in the grub config file located at /etc/default/grub For better font rendering follow: legend: # unnecessary but good to have ## unnecessary but cute to have * has use cases (flatpak) installed with flatpak (g) installed manually and git (xg) installed with xbps first then manually and git (pip3) installed with pip3 Base install: Package | Description -------------------------------------------------------------- acpi | battery management and event handling git | version control haveged | entropy generation ## htop | resource monitor ## vim | terminal editor socklog-void | system logs lm_sensors | sensors udevil | mount and unmount as normal user ntfs-3g | ntfs support chrony | ntp time sync base-devel | needed by a lot of stuff intel-ucode | ucode for intel cpus wget | download stuff from the web pamixer | control pulseaudio volume brightnessctl | conttrol the backlight pulseaudio | audio server # alsa-utils | base mixer # sysfsutils | system administration utilities tlp | laptop power management connman | wireless and wired connection manager openvpn | vpn provider bluez | bluetooth manager ## ufetch (g) | system info irqbalance | distribute interrupts for better performace Xorg base: Package | Description ------------------------------------------------------------- xorg-minimal | minimal xorg packages xf86-input-synaptics | touchpad driver xinit | start x instance setxkbmap | set keyboard layout xrandr | set scrreen resolution xrdb | xresources mesa-intel-dri | intel gl driver xf86-video-intel | xorg intel driver for hardware acceleration noto-fonts-ttf | main fonts noto-fonts-cjk | asian fonts noto-fonts-extra | extra fonts noto-fonts-emoji | emojis xclip | clipboard support Desktop environment: Package | Description | Patches -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dwm (xg) | window manager | fancybar, fullgaps, xrdb | | bottomstack libX11-devel | required by dwm | libXft-devel | required by dwm | libXinerama-devel | required by dwm | slstatus (g) | status bar for dwm | xsetroot | required for slstatus | st (xg) | terminal emulator | clipboard, scrollback, scrollback-mouse, | | scrollback-mouse-altscreen | | xresources dmenu (g) | simple menu | rofi | gui application menu | zsh | default shell | zsh-autosuggestions | fish-like suggestions | zsh-syntax-highlighting | fish-like syntax high. | zsh-completions | command completion | cups | print server | cups-filters | extra cups drivers | cups-pdf | cups pdf support | gutenprint | extra cups drivers | foomatic-db | print drivers database | foomatic-db-engine | | foomatic-db-nonfree | nonfree drivers | dunst | notification engine | blueman | bluetooth manager | sxhkd | bind hotkeys to commands | xob | simple progress bar | pam-u2f | u2f-key support | lxappearance | change gtk theme and icons | # arandr | gui for xrandr | * flatpak | applications non in repo | # xdg-desktop-portal | required for flatpak | # xdg-desktop-portal-gtk | required for flatpak | # xdg-user-dirs | required for flatpak | # xdg-user-dirs-gtk | required for flatpak | xdg-utils | flatpak & appimages | feh | image viewer and wallpaper | # pavucontrol | graphical audio control | Applications: (all of these have substitutes as such are not mandatory) Package | Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- xarchiver | archive manager (zip, tar, etc.) cmus | console music player cmus-pulseaudio | cmus pluseaudio server support gparted | graphical partition manager micro | console text editor sublime-text3 | graphical text editor sxiv | simple image viewer mpv | simple video and media player scrot | screenshot tool ImageMagick | console image manipulator qpdfview | in my humble opinion better than mupdf vscode | uC IDE with platformio weechat | Terminal IRC client pcmanfm | graphical file manager transmission-gtk | torrent client icecat | web browser kicad | electonic design and simulation suite gotop | process viewer similar to htop fontmanager | font manager and installer Void specific: Package | Description ------------------------------------------------------------------ vpm | xbps wrapper pip3 | python package manager undervolt (pip3) | undervolt utility Fonts: Package | Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- font-hack-ttf | good monospace font Kernel patches for intel cpus: All the patches are from the clearlinux project and are specifically aimed at intel cpus