From da81156e20d7d91da7e0c6f041f7d4d7bd6b372d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gunboy001 Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2018 15:46:51 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] initial commit after-merge --- linux_general.txt | 250 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 250 insertions(+) create mode 100644 linux_general.txt diff --git a/linux_general.txt b/linux_general.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24998ba --- /dev/null +++ b/linux_general.txt @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +-Qt for wayland requires qt5-wayland package and "export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland" + +-"" is pretty useful + +-Changing the MAC address: + Using macchanger: + The general usage is "macchanger [OPTIONS] interface", the most common options being + -A for a random MAC, + -r to reset to the original one, + -a to change it to a random MAC of some type (same vendor), + -b to set the "locally administered" bit set to false or + -m XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX to manually set the MAC address. + Using ifconfig: + First disable the interface using "ifconfig down" + Then change the MAC address using "ifconfig hw ether 00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" + it has to begin with 00:* + Then finally re-enable the interface with "ifconfig up" + +-Wifite2 works much better than wifite "" + +-The network interfaces are named "wlp3s0" for the internal one and "wlp0s20u2" for the alpha networks msfconsole + +-Do not panic use the WiGLE maps to discover wifis for later use ;) + +-You still have tor and "arm" to monitor it + +-IP forwarding: + Arch page: + "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" + thank me later + +-Docker is pretty cool you should use it, + also works with wifite2, it basically is a shell-oriented low-weight high-performance virtual machine + wich can run prebuilt docker images or your personal docker images. Docs: + +-Pacman commands: + "pacman -Syy" update repositories + "pacman -Su" update packages + "pacman -Qdtq" list unused/orphan packages + "pacman -R" remove a package + "pacman -S" install a package + "pacman -R $(pacman -Qdtq)" remove unused packages + "pacman -Rns" remove packages and its dependencies (recursively) + "pacman -Ql" list all package files and locations + "pacman -Qqe" list all installed packages + If you panic just do "sudo pacman -Syy" and then "sudo pacman -Su" + "rm -rf /var/lib/pacman/db.lck" remove pacman's transaction lock file + (to solve "could not unlock database" error) + +-"acpi" is kinda important in laptops "acpi -i" for info, also "thinkpad_acpi" should be noted + +-GREP basics: + GREP or "grep" is the most beautiful thing in the fucking universe, use it to filter results like: + "ps ax | grep whatyouwant" and it will find it another example is "dmesg | grep whatyouwant" + the | is used to pipe the output in another program like, can you guess it? grep + +-You use "ps ax" to view all processes and their UIDs + +-"" just helpful + +-Remember: the ArchLinux wiki is your lord and savior + +-Bluetooth usage: + Start the "bluetooth.service" service then refer to: + + + +- + +-You have a one year subscription to PIA + +-Kismet requires to be started with "kismet -c ifacemon" where ifacemon is your interface in monitor mode + +-Surface programs: Leonardo (drawing), Dolby access (you payed for it) + +-Remember that you have a GL-AR150 mini router with tor, openvpn support and that it is based on openwrt, also: + + +-Make some bash scripts you idiot, oh and this could be useful + +-Upon installing linux, to add locales uncomment them in /etc/locale.gen and then run "locale-gen" as sudo + to search for fonts just open + Note that you need japanese and chinese locales and fonts to display those characters correctly + +-Install "mesa", "lib32-mesa" and "vulkan-intel" for the graphics you dumb fuck + "" + +-To run .jar files in cli you must use "java -jar" + +-To list all partitions "sudo fdisk -l" + +-To check a disk's health you need "smartmontools", first check system compatibility with "sudo smartctl -c /dev/sdX" + then either do a short test "sudo smartctl -t short /dev/sdX" or a long test "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sdX" + lastly do "sudo smartctl -H /dev/sdX" to get the results + +- + +-You are gefährliches halbwissen + +-pikaur (AUR) to manage AUR packages + +-Problem with xtensa-lx106 gcc for compiling esp8266 programs: + "" + + + +-Recompiling compilers for zerynth: + If facing compiling errors in zerynth, manually recompile the compiler for the board in ""~/.zerynth2/sys" + for example replacing the xtensa-lx106 compiler (esp8266) goes: + 1-Move the old compiler folder somewhere safe (~/.zerynth2/sys/xtensa-lx106) + 2-Clone and compile (as standalone) new compiler in a temporary folder, guide here -> "" + 3-Move the newly created compiler folder (xtensa-lx106-elf) in ~/.zerynth2/sys and rename it as the original one (xtensa-lx106/) + 4-Copy the old package.json in the new compiler folder + Better yet is to wait for an official fix and report the bug on the troubleshooting section + Also the same thing has to be done with the xtensa-lx6 compiler (esp32) + "" + +-Pay attention of those sneaky KDE bastards, mostly everything which begins with k is EVIL + +-Fixing Arduino permissions: + Source: + "ls -la /dev/tty*" and see which group TTYs are in, then add yourself to that group: + "usermod -a -G examplegroup exampleusername" or just use "$USER" to add current user, then reboot. + +-Theming gnome: + download the theme packages at "" and unzip them + then depending if it is an icon theme or an normal theme place them in + "/usr/share/icons" or "/usr/share/themes" accordingly + +-Simba + +-Adding executables and shortcuts: + Refers to: + + + You have to add them to your $PATH, example: "export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin" + Quote "If you just type export PATH=$PATH: at the command line it will only last for the length of the session. + If you want to change it permanently add export PATH=$PATH: to your ~/.bashrc file (just at the end is fine)." + +-Use "clamav" as antivirus: "", to update use "freshclam" as sudo + and to scan "clamscan --recursive --infected /path/to/something" + +-If by nay chance you need a key's datasheet, like for copying it with just a photo (more on that later ;), + check out Silca's "the catalogue" it tell dimensions and the catalog's page of the key: + +-Power cord names and standards: + +-Circuit design guide for DC/DC converters (1/10): + +-It may be useful to download some sites that I list here on top of the whole arch wiki and Wikipedia + a guide is found here: + and also an official guide from Wikipedia itself: + +-Some of my own playlists: + Hacking "" + Thing to do "" + Linux useful (WIP) "" + CR-10 "" + Electronic basics "" + +-Nixie tubes and stuff: + + + + +-Some git stuff: + Creating a repo and pushing the first commit: "" + basically it's a matter of defining the remote (origin) repo "git remote add origin " + committing the changes in local repo "git commit -m "message" " + pushing before first pull "git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories" the last part is just to merge the repos (if needed) + and finally pushing the changes "git push origin master", or in atom just publish + Using 2 factor auth. in command line and atom: "" + basically you have to use a access token instead of the password, these are unique and you can only + see them once, so be careful with them! + +-Powertop usage: + Arch page: + To start powertop use "sudo powertop" + For the first calibration use "sudo powertop --calibrate", note that it takes a few minutes and during + that time the screen may go (it does) black for a few minutes too, just let it run. + To set everything to "good" do "sudo powertop --auto-tune", + to make the auto-tune start at boot refer to the Arch wiki or "how to create a sysemd service" + Note that in order to apply changes and stuff you have to leave it running for some time to let it + take its measures and stuff + +-Power management: + Arch page: + To change the actions to take when power button or lid switch events occur: + modify the conf. file at /etc/systemd/logind.conf or /etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/*.conf + + + -To get the windows product key execute with admin privileges: wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey + + -Use mitmf or ettercap to start mitm then use ferret to capture cookies (ferret -i eth0) + use hamster to set session cookies and then in browser set the proxy settings to manual giving the address + provided by hamster and finally open that link + + -Example usage of mitmf: sudo mitmf --arp --spoof --gateway --target -i wlan0 + + -IP forwarding: "" more precisely: + "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" thank me later + + -To restart network interfaces: "ifdown " "ifup " "/etc/init.d/networking restart" + (tested working on Ubuntu server and Debian) + + -If airmon-ng doesn't work use "ifconfig down" then "iwconfig mode monitor" and finally + "ifconfig up" + + -To note that "iwconfig" and "ifconfig" are basically equivalent, iwconfig can be used as "iwconfig " + to mask just one interface and it gives more information like the status and mode (managed, monitor) + + -To fix arduino permissions "ls -la /dev/tty*" and see which group TTYs are in, then add yourself to that group: + "usermod -a -G examplegroup exampleusername" source in: + or just use "$USER" to add current user + + -Who are you? "whoami" + + -Where am I? "groups" + + -To add executables you have to add them to your $PATH, example: "export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin" + "" + or from "" + quote "If you just type export PATH=$PATH: at the command line it will only last for the length of the session. + If you want to change it permanently add export PATH=$PATH: (the bin/ folder) to your ~/.bashrc file (just at the end is fine)." + + -To check system logs use "journalctl" (you must have systemctl), some guides: + + + + - + + + -To create a systemd (systemctl) service (aka how to make a program start at boot): + create a file under /etc/systemd/system/ and call it .service + then follow the formatting { + [Unit] + Description=PowerTOP auto tune + + [Service] + Type=idle # Not necessary + Environment="TERM=dumb" # Not necessary + ExecStart="PATHTOEXECUTABLE --OPTIONS" + + [Install] + + } + And then enable it using "systemctl whatever.service enable", here are some guides and references: + + +