@ -58,13 +58,24 @@ |
"whoami" and "groups": |
they respectively output the current user and groups |
NOTE: one alternative to "whoami" is "echo $USER" which can be used in scripts |
-Adding users to groups: |
"usermod -a -G grup user" |
reboot |
-Listing all groups: |
"cut -d: -f1 /etc/group | sort" |
Sources: |
https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-find-all-the-files-owned-by-a-particular-user-or-group/ |
refer to man for all the available options |
Basic syntax: |
"find <dir> [OPTIONS]" |
"-user <user>" find files owned by a particular user |
"-group <group>" find files owned by a particular group |
"-ls" list results in "ls" format: |
"-name <filename>" find a specific file or pattern (*.txt) |
-Groups: |
Adding users to groups: |
"usermod -a -G grup user" |
reboot |
Listing all groups: |
"cut -d: -f1 /etc/group | sort" |
-Linux afterinstall (how to get thing working): |
Bluetooth usage: |