added an undervolt guide

Alessandro Mauri 5 years ago
parent 15aa5e710f
commit 1d8c86e0a7
  1. 29

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
Downloading other branches:
In your folder repo open a git bash or a terminal (for linux masterrace) then, admitted that you have already downloaded and synced the master
branch, and type "git checkout -t origin/branchname" this will download and sync the branch
-Powertop usage:
Arch page:
To start powertop use "sudo powertop"
@ -292,6 +292,31 @@
Then follow the formatting according to the reference to specify when the command
is executed
-Undervolting the CPU:
Refers to:
WARNING: Overvolting and overheating can result in permanent damage
On arch install the package "intel-undervolt" from AUR and edit it's configuration file
located in /etc/intel-undervolt.conf, changing the values from 0 to -number results in that
number of millivolts taken from the CPU voltage.
The following are the parts affected:
"CPU" changes the CPU core voltage
"GPU" changes the integrated GPU voltage
"Cache" changes the cache voltage
"System agent" changes the controller, RAM and PCI voltages
"Analog IO" changes the various sensors voltage
NOTE: changing the System Agent and Analog IO can lead to various errors such as inaccurate readings
from sensors crashes and possibly corruption, so it is greatly discouraged
One method to undervolt your CPU or GPU is to gradually step down the voltage in 5 or 10 millivolt
steps stress testing the system in between for several minutes to ensure the system's stability
Some tools used to stress test your system are:
"stress" tool written in C used for memory, CPU and disk IO tests
"mprime" AUR, tool for stress testing RAM and CPU
"unigine-heaven" and the unigine series, although benchmarks they are a great way to stress test
the integrated GPUs of laptops
-Gathering information on network cards ie IP, MAC, status, etc.
@ -361,7 +386,7 @@
Systemd (Arch) "systemctl restart NetworkManager"
-Enabling IP forwarding:
Arch page:
Arch page:
"echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
To revert it back:
"echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"