initial commit

Alessandro Mauri 6 years ago
commit 0572f5b20f
  1. 1
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 5
  5. 6
  6. 154
  7. 37
  8. 16

@ -0,0 +1 @@
-Presidenza Galilei: 00:F7:6F:CC:56:40

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
--/ List of tools made for decrypting hashes \--
- hashcat
- john the ripper -> john / johnny
- cowpatty
- aircrack-ng

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
--/ List of tools made for and to use exploits \--
- searchsploit // Search exploits on exploit.db) [update weekly with: searchsploit -u]
- routersploit // Tool containing exploits aimed towards routers
- metasploit framework -> # msfconsole // Exploit collection and payload creating framework
- KRACK attacks // Key Reinstallation AttaCK "" ""

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
--/ Information gathering tools \--
- maltego // Information gathering and organization tool
- nmap / zenmap // Network mapping tool
- wireshark // Network traffic sniffer

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
--/ List of tools made to sniff traffic on networks \--
- wireshark // Sniff packets on networks
- mitmf // Man In The Middle Framework framework for various mit attacks (also in spoof)
- ferret/ferret-sidejack:i386 // Sniff cookies (outdated) (32 bit only "dpkg --add-architecture i386")
- ettercap // MITM attacks (also in spoof)

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
-Qt for wayland requires qt5-wayland package and "export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland"
-You have and SDR module with the required programs and kernel modules
-You have a smart card reader and to enable it you do "systemctl start pcscd.service"
or "systemctl enable pcscd.service" to enable it permanently, also to
use it there's "pcsc_tools" with the "pcsc_scan" utility
-You have a mobile data card but you still don't know how to use it, the closest you've got to figuring
it out is: ""
-For hard drives you not only have to unmount them but also to eject them with a right click (Gnome)
-If you panic just do "sudo pacman -Syy" and then "sudo pacman -Su"
-"" is pretty useful
-YOU HAVE MACCHANGER so use it :) [it lets you change your MAC address]
-Wifite2 works much better than wifite ""
-The network interfaces are named "wlp3s0" for the internal one and "wlp0s20u2" for the alpha networks msfconsole
-Never forgetti the memos on your phone
-Do not panic use the WiGLE maps to discover wifis for later use ;)
-You still have tor and "arm" to monitor it
-IP forwarding: "" more precisely:
"echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" thank me later
-Docker is pretty cool you should use it,
also works with wifite2, it basically is a shell-oriented low-weight high-performance virtual machine
wich can run prebuilt docker images or your personal docker images. Docs:
-Incoming pac-bomb!! "pacman -Syy" update repos, "pacman -Su" update packages, "pacman -Qdtq" check unused
packages, "pacman -R" remove package, "pacman -S" install package, "pacman -R $(pacman -Qdtq)" remove unused
packages, "pacman -Rns" remove packages with dependencies, "pacman -Ql" look at package files
"pacman -Qqe" list all installed packages
-"acpi" is kinda important in laptops "acpi -i" for info, also "thinkpad_acpi" should be noted
-GREP or "grep" is the most beautiful thing in the fucking universe, use it to filter results like:
"ps ax | grep whatyouwant" and it will find it another example is "dmesg | grep whatyouwant"
the | is used to pipe the output in another program like, can you guess it? grep
-You use "ps ax" to view all processes and their UIDs
-"" just helpful
-Remember: the archlinux wiki is your lord and savior
-To use bluetooth start the "bluetooth.service" service then refer to:
-You have a one year subscription to PIA
-Kismet requires to be started with "kismet -c ifacemon" where ifacemon is your interface in monitor mode
-Surface programs: Leonardo (drawing), Dolby access (you payed for it)
-Remember that you have a GL-AR150 mini router with tor, openvpn support and that it is based on openwrt, also:
-Man this thing is expanding quickly
-Make some bash scripts you idiot, oh and this could be useful
-Upon installing linux, to add locales uncomment them in /etc/locale.gen and then run "locale-gen" as sudo
to search for fonts just open
Note that you need japanese and chinese locales and fonts to display those characters correctly
-You can run linux (elinux, microclinux, debian and others) on STM32 !!
-Install "mesa", "lib32-mesa" and "vulkan-intel" for the graphics you dumb fuck
-To run .jar files in cli you must use "java -jar"
-To list all partitions "sudo fdisk -l"
-To check a disk's health you need "smartmontools", first check system compatibility with "sudo smartctl -c /dev/sdX"
then either do a short test "sudo smartctl -t short /dev/sdX" or a long test "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sdX"
lastly do "sudo smartctl -H /dev/sdX" to get the results
-You are gefährliches halbwissen
-pikaur (AUR) to manage AUR packages
-Problem with xtensa-lx106 gcc for compiling esp8266 programs:
-Speeduino, the arduino based ECU (engine management unit) ""
-If facing compiling errors in zerynth, manually recompile the copiler for the board in ""~/.zerynth2/sys"
for example replacing the xtensa-lx106 compiler (esp8266) goes:
1-Move the old compiler folder somewhere safe (~/.zerynth2/sys/xtensa-lx106)
2-Clone and compile (as standalone) new compiler in a temporary folder, guide here -> ""
3-Move the newly created compiler folder (xtensa-lx106-elf) in ~/.zerynth2/sys and rename it as the original one (xtensa-lx106/)
4-Copy the old package.json in the new compiler folder
Better yet is to wait for an official fix and report the bug on the troubleshooting section
Also the same thing has to be done with the xtensa-lx6 compiler (esp32)
-Pay attention of those sneaky KDE bastards, mostly everything which begins with k is EVIL
-To fix arduino permissions "ls -la /dev/tty*" and see which group TTYs are in, then add yourself to that group:
"usermod -a -G examplegroup exampleusername" or just use "$USER" to add current user, then reboot.
Source in:
-To theme your gnome download the theme packages at "" and unzip them, then depending if it is an icon
theme or an normal theme place them in "/usr/share/icons" or "/usr/share/themes" accordingly
-To add executables you have to add them to your $PATH, example: "export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin"
or from ""
quote "If you just type export PATH=$PATH:</path/to/file> at the command line it will only last for the length of the session.
If you want to change it permanently add export PATH=$PATH:</path/to/file> to your ~/.bashrc file (just at the end is fine)."
-Use "clamav" as antivirus: "", to update use "freshclam" as sudo
and to scan "clamscan --recursive --infected /path/to/something"
-If pacman panics try to remove the database lock file "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/pacman/db.lck"
-If by nay chance you need a key's datasheet, like for copying it with just a photo (more on that later ;),
check out silca's "the catalogue" it tell dimensions and the catalog's page of the key:
-Power cord names and standards:
-Circuit design guide for DC/DC converters (1/10):
-It may be useful to download some sites that I list here on top of the whole arch wiki and wikipedia
a guide is found here:
-Some of my own playlists:
Hacking ""
Thing to do ""
Linux useful (WIP) ""
CR-10 ""
Electronic basics ""
-Nixie tubes and stuff:

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
-To get the windows product key execute with admin privileges: wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey
-Use mitmf or ettercap to start mitm then use ferret to capture cookies (ferret -i eth0)
use hamster to set session cookies and then in browser set the proxy settings to manual giving the address
provided by hamster and finally open that link
-Example usage of mitmf: sudo mitmf --arp --spoof --gateway --target -i wlan0
-IP forwarding: "" more precisely:
"echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" thank me later
-To restart network interfaces: "ifdown <interface>" "ifup <interface>" "/etc/init.d/networking restart"
(tested working on Ubuntu server and Debian)
-If airmon-ng doesn't work use "ifconfig <inerface> down" then "iwconfig <interface> mode monitor" and finally
"ifconfig <interface> up"
-To note that "iwconfig" and "ifconfig" are basically equivalent, iwconfig can be used as "iwconfig <interface>"
to mask just one interface and it gives more information like the status and mode (managed, monitor)
-To fix arduino permissions "ls -la /dev/tty*" and see which group TTYs are in, then add yourself to that group:
"usermod -a -G examplegroup exampleusername" source in:
or just use "$USER" to add current user
-Who are you? "whoami"
-Where am I? "groups"
-To add executables you have to add them to your $PATH, example: "export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin"
or from ""
quote "If you just type export PATH=$PATH:</path/to/file> at the command line it will only last for the length of the session.
If you want to change it permanently add export PATH=$PATH:</path/to/file> (the bin/ folder) to your ~/.bashrc file (just at the end is fine)."
-To check system logs use "journalctl" (you must have systemctl), some guides:

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
--/ List of tools made for collecting information on wifi networks \--
- nmap / zenmap (GUI) // Used to map networks
- airodump-ng // Monitor packages
- airmon-ng // Enable monitor mode on wifi cards
- aireplay-ng // Deauth attacks
- mdk3 // Different deauth attacks
- reaver // Pixie dust attacks and more
- bully // Pixie dust attacks and more
- aircrack-ng // Crack / create WEP and WPA hashes
--/ Scripts \--
- wifite // Collection of tools mainly aimed for cracking wifi networks
- airgeddon // Collection of tools for cracking, decrypting and attacking wifi networks
- fluxion // Collection of tools aimed to create fake APs (also in spoof)
- wifiphisher // Phish APs and create fake auth pages like fluxion but better (also in spoof)